XPO | Little things that **** me off

Well who in HR are you talking to? You need to go higher up the chain. This company has this little thing call "An Open Door Policy" I would tell my local HR rep I want to talk via the open door policy to the VP of HR. If you go to the portal there all listed there. You do not have to tell them why, even though they will ask.
I had a problem with people services. I call my local HR to do start the open door policy and to my luck the VP was sitting in her office. I ask him what would happen if I didn't turn in a copy of my renewed CDL or my renewed physical card? He said you would be able to work. I told him you hold me to a high standard so I hold the company to the same. I also informed of the BS e-mails and other problem I have had with people services. Stop dealing for the low HR people and start call the corp office, all there phone number and emails are listed on the company portal. I work LH and I DO NOT call people service or HR on MY time I an always on the clock code 200 if your in the city that P&D run can wait. Stop being nice about get pissed. You want to see eyes light up tell them you want to talk to Tom Clark or Tony Brooks via the open door policy. You need to call these people everyday and twice on SAT. I would start at the local HR and call up the chain every day to include you district VP and his boss and your on the clock when you do it.
If you can fine the list PM me and tell what barn you are out of and I'll give you names, phone numbers, and e-mail address. I know UPNORTH wont let me post it on here.
This. They are Oompa Loompas.
People Services SUCK and so does the douche bag who was smoking in my tractor all day.
There is no smoking in any of the trucks. I have refused to drive smoke fill truck. I have also complained to my FOS to and informed them that company policy was there is to be no smoking in any tractors. I also told them that this is the only time I will bring this up to them. The next time I call Corp HR and file a complaint.
Fellow drivers that have Zero respect for the next guy down the line.
Here’s a few examples.

1. Dropping your equipment in front of another’s space. Never looking at the situation and thinking how would I could make it easier or out of the way of another driver. You P.O.S.

2. Leaving trailer crank out so someone can run into it. You lazy P.O.S.

3. Running over or leaving the chock block on the ground. You lazy P.O.S.

4. Dragging landing gear and damaging the crank gears. You lazy P.O.S.

5. Throwing your trash on the ground. You lazy P.O.S.

6. Dragging a hooked trailer 10 ft because you’re to damn lazy to see if it’s hooked. You lazy P.O.S.

7. Taking a bath in the sink then throwing your paper towels on the ground. You lazy P.O.S.

8. Dropping a trailer to low. Save me with your B-S reasons. You lazy P.O.S.

9. Farting in the drivers seat all shift long.......oh wait scratch that one. You stinky P.O.S.


I’m waiting for your brilliant responses. Please don’t disappoint.
Brilliant, doppler! Absolutely brilliant!! Here’s one ‘lazy POS’ moment I experienced while working at Roadway several years ago...we had a ‘fine specimen’ that used to never dock his trailer(s) and the end of his day (I guess he figured it wasn’t his job), so this one particular evening we decided NOT to do it for him...this was before electronic manifesting as everything was hand written on the sheets...lo and behold, two FULL trailers of his outbound freight didn’t roll that night. He got a good talking-to the next day! We did too, but it was worth it. Statement made, and he always docked his trailers after that. There’s always gonna be that one ‘bad apple’ in the bunch. It’s all about helping each other out.
When dropping a trailer was an automatic termination you better believe I dragged those things half way around the building, and we have a relatively large building.

Loaders not placarding is one of my big pet peeves.
I found one of the trailers you hooked... thanks.
139 on a via with mts. Nothing for me there136 miles to the fac work 2 hours on dock 222 miles home on mts. Love my job
I got that beat. Head on a via to pick two. Phone rang and was rerouted to another barn which was a fac. Got there no loads. Told to continue on with my empties to the next FAC. Got there dropped set fueled and finally hook to some loads. Via on my way back home. Dropped the load and took 2 empties home. The damage. Drive almost 600 miles and only moved freight for 190 miles. Maybe next time they would just pay me 250 to 300 and I would have stayed home. The company would have saved money by doing that, but hey thanks for the easy $450 night
about the drivers whining about having to do their little extra for their job and still getting paid for it either it's an entitled senior driver or a driver who thinks they know everything after they've been your 3 months you know the you can't tell them anything cuz they know everything you tell them how the load they tell you to go **** yourself you ever get that one Doppler
Got a dock review. Tells me I am doing 138%. Then tells me I need to do more and asks what can be done to better my numbers. I tell him first off. I never did any more than 100% of whatever I did or didn't do. Secondly, I never will.