Yellow | Honest Questions for the YES voters

Do you think a no vote will cause the banks to put YRC out of business?

The banks don't run or control YRC. A no vote does bad things--

a: the stock drops to zero

b: the banks don't give the $200M facility due in Nov or Dec

c: a no vote triggers a $30M a month pension payment snap back

d: causing YRC to suck air bad for operating cash

e: YRC makes the call

f: maybe they last till


Until you can find a better job , dude ! You vote yes (to save the jobs for everyone) and then when you find a better job you vote by submitting your resignation and leaving. Anything else is stupidity.
how far from a no voter

I want to answer the question how far will they go... as far as they can be taken!! THINK THINK THINK... everybody there is 5 companys wraped up in this. YRC (yellow roadway new penn remier + holland) each one has their own headquarters + cpu system. now i dont care where but the consolidation of these two things should have been done 18 mos ago. ONE headquarters + ONE mainframe to coordinate operations. HOW MUCH $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ would that save. when yrc can get this done then they can ask for more help but they need to help themselfs in the most obvious ways first