Central Transport | Hope everybody is ready in lvl!!!!!


TB Lurker
going to be a mess for awhile!!!!! after hearing what has happened at r&l kinda appreciate my job lil more!! though not in full agreement with all that has transpired, guessing could be alot worse!!! here's to hoping everything goes well!!!!!!!!!
Yeah what happened at R&L, I heard about the bs new procedure they have in place that any new empolyee of R&L is no longer going to be concidered a R&L employee they will be a pramount employee, which means they make less money. BS have drivers in the same terminal making 2 totally different scales? Thats crazy! From what I heard Paramount pays waaaaay less.

Is that what you are talking about?

As for LVL (and PIT for that matter), good luck guys!! Keep your chins up!!
yeah thats what im talking bout babyg....they are also cutting r&l linehaul runs and giving them to parmount's drivers
You bet I am.

Though, I still don't know what time I need to be at work this Monday....Actually, I'll rolling on in when I feel like it. How's that?
Though, I still don't know what time I need to be at work this Monday....Actually, I'll rolling on in when I feel like it. How's that?

Just keep this kind of attitude and things will continue to change also. Why should a company be loyal to its employees when the employees are not loyal to the company?
Just keep this kind of attitude and things will continue to change also. Why should a company be loyal to its employees when the employees are not loyal to the company?

and it's suck ups like you that allow the company to run over the driver! get real dude, corporate doesnt care about you! your a dime in a dozen driver! so continue to :butt kiss:
I have seen many of your kind of people come and go over the many years. Butt kissing has nothing to do with this, Just do a good job and properly like you were hired to do collect your check and enjoy the weekend. Stop trying to fix or change a system you evidently have no control over. You guys make your lives to hard and confusing by constantly "Bucking" the system.
yeah thats what im talking bout babyg....they are also cutting r&l linehaul runs and giving them to parmount's drivers

Thats crazy. All they are going is create unnecessary drama with in R&L and run off all their senior drivers. Glad its not just us in drama for a change!!