Yellow | bing bong the fat j and bonger at 120 are done


TB Lurker
well all the 120 boys dreams have come true when camp 120 lights are turned of for good.......i only wish i could see their faces now........the next day their will be some good reading with all the haters come out of the wood work .......
wish i could see it with my own eyes , not sure i could take it without cheering out loud
aahh yes!!!! the official end of the good ol' boys club. after seeing how this job can be properly managed, it will come as no surprise if these incompetent boobs are finally harpooned!!!!
stroud i think you might be crying right about now with joy i need one more good laugh about 120 before they turn the lights off maybe its the same braker that they shut the heat off in the bathroom in the middle of the winter..they sure no where that is............
g man stroud longblade col klink waiting for a response......

I am very happy, the SCUM (⊙▃⊙) BASTARDS, will be hanging their heads low.

Like I said before I hope they all starve, lose their house, and lose anything of value they ever had.

What is boing boings wife gonna do with him around. I guess no more late nights going over the neighbors house.

The best part most of the (⊙▃⊙)'s put alot of money in stock, yeah hows that taste in you mouth now.

Yes finally some really good news for once.

Maybe the fat j will have to give his, make me feel like a big man because I am only Five Foot , Three, harley back. LOVE IT.

I hope they all rot!!!!!!!, I hope they get some disease that slowly and painfully eats away at them as they beg for death. I hope their wives leave em and take what ever they have left.

stroud got your pm i have 21 years and in the city would be top 8 you would be in top 15 p d is different up ther one list period no moving around.. go p d and you stay p d from what i read its all p d transfers in ...i will check it out and see were you fall....not enough time for dock you will be on call.....p d is the way for you to go
stroud got your pm i have 21 years and in the city would be top 8 you would be in top 15 p d is different up ther one list period no moving around.. go p d and you stay p d from what i read its all p d transfers in ...i will check it out and see were you fall....not enough time for dock you will be on call.....p d is the way for you to go

Thanks let me know.
the good ol' boys managed to keep their beloved break bulk afloat for 30 years because they blamed all their failures on their peons. kenny, tommy, georgy etc...

kinda funny that when they had no one to blame but themselves anymore, they lasted only 3 months!!!! lol
No one left to blame...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahah...maybe they wil get cleary back to flick the switch one last time....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......and fat puff can pick up any food scraps left on the ground....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...and sumo pig can finally have the privacy he needs to drink the **** from the urinal...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha....and binger has no terminal...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...