Yellow | New tractors by KK

Is white the only color trucks come in these days? How original.

It use to be if you wanted a color it was an extra pay option, whether or not it still is, who knows.
Are these a few of the loaners that volvo was lending for testing purposes.
KK, can you sneak in with your switchblade and scrape a little white paint off to see if theres any ABF green underneath?
Whats in the box on the passenger side?

Its a steam cooker so the road driver can make a little extra cash selling hots and burgers on the side during one of their 24 hour layovers.
Sleeper teams us it as a cooler for Bud, Labatt's when crossing the border.
Ammo storage for the south of the border guys.
......or boogers on the wheel..........or fingernails on the dash........or used dental floss strewn about the cab.......or that "ass like" odor emanating from the seat...........etc,etc.
And don't forget all those fried chicken bones on the floor and all the chicken grease on the wheel, dash, And shifter when one of these baby's FINALLY makes it out of the south! I can remember years ago when Meridian Miss trapped 60 or so brand new CH-600 Macks! It took a very nasty phone call from AGO to get them back into the system!!!LOL!!!
Wait till a driver with a dash plug fetish has his way from a run. Or one that has had all of the dash plugs sealed in with 30yr siliconized all weather caulk.
Bill Zollars always said in the quarterly meetings to the stock analysts that we had a "cradle to grave" policy with our tractors from putting them into service new as linehaul units and eventually putting them into p&d where they would eventually be "scrapped out" as I remember having an assigned Brigadier that was about 18 years old with no A/C. They only got rid of it back then because it needed a part that was no longer available.

Does this mean we have a new train of thought when it comes to equipment? I'm amazed....thanks to KK for getting these pictures out here.
Thanks KK It just amazes me how something GOOD turns NEGITIVE. We have and still are going through alot in the past 2 1/2 years. Something positive always goes negitive. I enjoyed the funny ones though!
Does anyone on this board have any appreciation,faith,concern or just any thing good to say? All this doom and gloom. If you people are so disgusted with the Company and Union. Why don't you take your ass on down the road?
Does anyone on this board have any appreciation,faith,concern or just any thing good to say? All this doom and gloom. If you people are so disgusted with the Company and Union. Why don't you go your ass down the road?
We heard you the first time! And yes, our 15% wage decrease paid for these.

does anyone on this board have any appreciation,faith,concern or just any thing good to say? All this doom and gloom. If you people are so disgusted with the company and union. Why don't you go your ass down the road?
They are really nice . Thanks for the post KK

Thank you Mam'......these guys still complain.....they are white....they are very nice. It costs more to get a spec. color.
Yeah, they saved money....but you guys are getting NEW tractors so quit your dammned bittching and be glad they are here!

This mess is in the most POSITIVE turn we have seen in 2 years.....SO, become part of it or get your asses up and move on....there still MANY drivers on layoff that would be glad to drive the beat up junk we have now......even prouder to come back to a new truck......Shut up and get truckn'......KK
Does anyone on this board have any appreciation,faith,concern or just any thing good to say? All this doom and gloom. If you people are so disgusted with the Company and Union. Why don't you take your ass on down the road?
Just as you are disgusted with the negative comments - I was wondering when the "why don't you just quit" commenters start posting again.
Thanks for restoring my faith in that.
Heard @ 241 drivers w/ high seniority are quitting faster than they can hire.
Seems there is a non freight, union company around Cincinnati that is still paying into central states full rate at this time & the word is they are hiring a lot of drivers. So you could say those disgusted drivers are taking it down the road.