TForce | Are transfers allowed here at upgf?


TB Lurker
I want to transfer, but I am getting mixed answers. I am willing to go to bottom of list if I can keep my topped out payrate.
When I was there a couple years ago I was told you had to resign and pretty much start all over at the location you wanted to transfer to.
There are 2 drivers at my terminal that have tried to transfer and neither of them have been able to. I guess Overnite allowed it back in the day but UPS Freight doesn't allow it. Of course, like everything else, I am sure the rules vary depending on location.
They make it an issue since no one can make up their mind about seniority. It's different at every terminal, do you keep your company time then you screw someone out of there vacations. Might have more co time but have you been driving a stick for that whole time. Or did you work the dock. No one wants to put in place seniority guidelines on anything. Owww wait FOR ALL PURPOSES, but then again, that's a GREY area .
Back when the company was still Overnite I had a chance to transfer from my home terminal.
Rochester NY down to Manasses VA.,I was told I could go if my terminal could get along without me.
But I had to like quit,& start over again in VA.,the only thing that would go with me was my company time served,for the pension.
Well I looked into making the move at that time,but I couldn't afford any of the housing in the area of that terminal.

I knew that terminal was really hurting for drivers,but the TM admitted to me that nobody could afford to live down there.
Because it was to close to Washington DC.

So I passed,& was glad I did.
i just did the move a month ago. i had to quit i lost everything. only thing i kept was my years i paid into pension. im on the bottom in my new location and im at $15.05 and .38cpm, bottom pay again. back in the pay progression again. will go to 16.13hr and i think .41cpm after 3 months. lost my vacation time to. i had 2 weeks of vacation left before i quit and TM told me i was going to get a check for my vacation cause i did not use them, so now a month later im waiting on my check and TM now telling im not getting a check cause i quit. But u have to quit first if u want to get on at another terminal. But u better make sure u talk to TM at the other location before u quit so he can talk to ur TM where u at so he will hire u. I called the other TM almost everyday to make sure and they got someone in the HR dept for me to call also and i called the person in the HR dept almost everyday too. So both TM's and the person in HR was all on the same page until everthing went thru, but i lost everything except my time in the pension.
i just did the move a month ago. i had to quit i lost everything. only thing i kept was my years i paid into pension. im on the bottom in my new location and im at $15.05 and .38cpm, bottom pay again. back in the pay progression again. will go to 16.13hr and i think .41cpm after 3 months. lost my vacation time to. i had 2 weeks of vacation left before i quit and TM told me i was going to get a check for my vacation cause i did not use them, so now a month later im waiting on my check and TM now telling im not getting a check cause i quit. But u have to quit first if u want to get on at another terminal. But u better make sure u talk to TM at the other location before u quit so he can talk to ur TM where u at so he will hire u. I called the other TM almost everyday to make sure and they got someone in the HR dept for me to call also and i called the person in the HR dept almost everyday too. So both TM's and the person in HR was all on the same page until everthing went thru, but i lost everything except my time in the pension.

Get it in writing
I thought that if you left the company you would get your vacation paid back to you, Since you have earned it. Isn't there a law about that?
I guess every company has its good and bad. It is quite easy to transfer at conway. My transfer actually got approved the same day I put in for it as the terminal I wanted to go to needed drivers. Gave me two weeks to get there as I was moving across the country.
You resign from your barn,rehire at the new barn and start out at the bottom of the list. One of our guys came back and kept co. seniority but his job seniority was started over.