ABF | Management hiding numbers to get bonus


TB Lurker
Our trucks are NEVER loaded in the morning, the dock is always behind, so today our chief dispatcher told all the drivers to NOT log in to the dock on their browsers when they go out to load their trucks, because it is making their dock numbers look bad and they will have to lay off some guys because the amount of bills do not justify the dock hours. He said staying on the city side gives them more hours to use.
While I guess that helps the TM and others get bonuses it doesn't solve the problem of getting things done. I would think that if you can't get things broke in the morning (or evening) maybe management needs to rethink the way things are setup, change some shifts, hire some more help!!
We have all been at different companies over the years and this place seems to be stuck in the past more than most. MAKE SOME CHANGES AND GET THINGS DONE.
Our trucks are NEVER loaded in the morning, the dock is always behind, so today our chief dispatcher told all the drivers to NOT log in to the dock on their browsers when they go out to load their trucks, because it is making their dock numbers look bad and they will have to lay off some guys because the amount of bills do not justify the dock hours. He said staying on the city side gives them more hours to use.
While I guess that helps the TM and others get bonuses it doesn't solve the problem of getting things done. I would think that if you can't get things broke in the morning (or evening) maybe management needs to rethink the way things are setup, change some shifts, hire some more help!!
We have all been at different companies over the years and this place seems to be stuck in the past more than most. MAKE SOME CHANGES AND GET THINGS DONE.
I just took it as another item in a long list of items that companies use to make their numbers look better. Like adding a bill to a through load to get credit for all the weight on the trailer. Its been going on for years.
If they get what they want there will be a whole lot of changes with the next bid.
why does it matter? as long as you do your work, make your buck and go home at the end of the day.. The nuts and bolts of the company are their problem. They are making a ton of money and your check wont bounce. Our contract is the fault of the people that voted it in. Union companies always blame the contract labor for woes and each terminal has to manipulate numberts to look good. They do it one way or another.
its not about bonuses dude, you dont make your #s they make it hard on everyone. sometimes, believe it or not you have to work together to the common goal---broda
its not about bonuses dude, you dont make your #s they make it hard on everyone. sometimes, believe it or not you have to work together to the common goal---broda

There are not enough people to make it hard on if the numbers are not met. We had a guy retire last month....no replacement....they knew months ago that he was retiring. Not many applicants The numbers and bonuses go hand in hand... that is some of what the pda was made for, watch every move every minute. Other people should have to log onto a pda.....ABF could then unload alot of dead weight.
There are not enough people to make it hard on if the numbers are not met. We had a guy retire last month....no replacement....they knew months ago that he was retiring. Not many applicants The numbers and bonuses go hand in hand... that is some of what the pda was made for, watch every move every minute. Other people should have to log onto a pda.....ABF could then unload alot of dead weight.
They work as well as the pda's do....
Yeah my check always clears that is true, but I guess it bothers some of us that we miss pick ups and dels everyday due to bad local management when they seem to be more worried about numbers.
We have guys retiring as well and they have no one to hire to replace them.
PDAs (ha) we don't even have enough or batteries to last all day.
Was just curious as to how many other terminals are dealing with the same stuff.
Yeah my check always clears that is true, but I guess it bothers some of us that we miss pick ups and dels everyday due to bad local management when they seem to be more worried about numbers.
We have guys retiring as well and they have no one to hire to replace them.
PDAs (ha) we don't even have enough or batteries to last all day.
Was just curious as to how many other terminals are dealing with the same stuff.

You are right. Spoke with 2 8 am & 1 10 am bid drivers & they are going to keep their radios. The sign in & out sheet for the radios will fail. I know of no one who will do that. If this turn in the radio thing is an issue, come Oct 6 when I go back to driving I will make it my mission in life to be the last one to get a radio. The cause & effect of no radio coming back from Perry Road is Chad will have to enter 60 bills for that trailer. Bet ya he stops sending me my Christmas Card. And he is the best supervisor we have. Maybe Brian will order those soon. He has been authorized by Corporate to order the number of radios he needs. He just needs to pick up the phone & call the IT Department. Problem solved. Maybe. von
The word is Saucier stopped the radio order because according to his "numbers" we have enough. Which just goes back to "bean counters" trying to run a freight company. Have you heard you won't be allowed to clock out unless your radio has been returned? I'm glad these are the important things to worry about not all the missed home dels Friday because guys were out of hours or the missed pick ups by poor planning.
Our trucks are NEVER loaded in the morning, the dock is always behind, so today our chief dispatcher told all the drivers to NOT log in to the dock on their browsers when they go out to load their trucks, because it is making their dock numbers look bad and they will have to lay off some guys because the amount of bills do not justify the dock hours. He said staying on the city side gives them more hours to use.
While I guess that helps the TM and others get bonuses it doesn't solve the problem of getting things done. I would think that if you can't get things broke in the morning (or evening) maybe management needs to rethink the way things are setup, change some shifts, hire some more help!!
We have all been at different companies over the years and this place seems to be stuck in the past more than most. MAKE SOME CHANGES AND GET THINGS DONE.
i hate to say this but, im not one to beat around the bush. as long as you do your job, why do you even care if you are in the system on the city side or dock? and why even voice "make some changes" what good will that do? im pretty sure management gets paid the big bucks to make all those decisions, and you get paid to break freight and drive a truck, or is it that you got a big company bone in ya?
No company bone or desire to be up there just would like to show up to a customer that wasn't bitching about being three days late with a del
As far as being city or dock with our pda it is much easier to find and load freight on the dock side
The word is Saucier stopped the radio order because according to his "numbers" we have enough. Which just goes back to "bean counters" trying to run a freight company. Have you heard you won't be allowed to clock out unless your radio has been returned? I'm glad these are the important things to worry about not all the missed home dels Friday because guys were out of hours or the missed pick ups by poor planning.

Can’t say I heard about not clocking out until I turn in my radio. Let me think here. If I don’t have a radio to turn in will I still be on the clock when I go home after my 14 hours? If I can’t find my radio until 5 minutes after my 8 hours is up, do I get paid for that 5 minutes? If they do pay me, have I now regained the 5 minutes I lost from my break from the previous contract? Keep in mind, if you are on the street without a PDA how do they know where you are? Following half a shift with no radios would cost them more in a week than the cost of new radios for everyone.

Oh yea, the most important one. I mean we are a customer oriented business that the number 1 tool it depends on to survive is the telephone. Dispatch has many phones that are working & they always answer after the 47th ring. How many times have you received a new pick up or a change in your previous dispatch from your PDA? Even a better question, if everyone on the street stopped using their personal cell phone (& I use mine all the time for work) who did not have a PDA how long would it take for Brian or the TM to overnight the PDA’s so ABF as a customer oriented company can get the job done. ABF trusts their employees to handle customer freight & company equipment valued in the millions, yet they treat us like children when it comes to care & control of a $1500.00 radio. Grow up management.
I think the case being made is that management,....starting at the lowest levels,.......routinely fudges,...manipulates,.....deletes,......alters,....their numbers,...which affects their operating ratio,.....and thereby invalidates any truth in the contractual "bonus" scam that upper management is touting to us. They will give us a...."bonus'....if they feel the current climate needs a publicity boost to facilitate hiring new employees,....and partially negate the foolish vacation schedule.........And they will do it irregardless of the ....."numbers"......They will make the...."numbers" ...say anything they determine is expedient to their shareholders..........and to "sell" this company to new-hires.....................If upper management is aware of lower management systematically,..and institutionally,....altering their...."numbers"....by tricks,....like moving city figures to dock figures,....and other potential accounting dodges,......just how valid,....and accurate, are ANY ..."numbers"...posted by ANY company? I don't think ABF is alone here, in the "creative accounting" department.........This is why "investing"....in the stock market,....is a sucker's game............20 years "investing" in a 401(k),.....and I've made maybe a half-percent more,.....due to the ...."market adjustments".....that Wall Street seems to have routinely every seven years,.....than I would have, if I had gone and stuffed that money in my mattress..........Management,....at all levels,......winks their blind eye at "massaging" their numbers to achieve any result they desire ,......and corporate bonuses are handed out to the ones who do it best. Tell me the Fairy Tale again about how we'll all get a "bonus" to make up the 7% that was stolen off my families' table.........
Can’t say I heard about not clocking out until I turn in my radio. Let me think here. If I don’t have a radio to turn in will I still be on the clock when I go home after my 14 hours? If I can’t find my radio until 5 minutes after my 8 hours is up, do I get paid for that 5 minutes? If they do pay me, have I now regained the 5 minutes I lost from my break from the previous contract? Keep in mind, if you are on the street without a PDA how do they know where you are? Following half a shift with no radios would cost them more in a week than the cost of new radios for everyone.

Oh yea, the most important one. I mean we are a customer oriented business that the number 1 tool it depends on to survive is the telephone. Dispatch has many phones that are working & they always answer after the 47th ring. How many times have you received a new pick up or a change in your previous dispatch from your PDA? Even a better question, if everyone on the street stopped using their personal cell phone (& I use mine all the time for work) who did not have a PDA how long would it take for Brian or the TM to overnight the PDA’s so ABF as a customer oriented company can get the job done. ABF trusts their employees to handle customer freight & company equipment valued in the millions, yet they treat us like children when it comes to care & control of a $1500.00 radio. Grow up management.

Ahh, Brother Von,........The old horror story about a peddle guy who used his personal cell phone to (conveniently) call a customer for routine directions,...........and that customer turned out to be a witchy, screechy, customer-from-Hell,....who repeatedly called back the driver's cell number to complain about hidden damage,...and immediate refunds,.....to the point where the driver had to block that number,....whereupon she switched to another phone,.....and continued to make that driver's life miserable for several days......is a great cautionary tale for anyone tempted to use their personal cell phone to do the companies' business. Another one is the sweet little spaced-out drug-addict a food warehouse lumper service had put in charge of calling drivers to their door assignments,.....and she wouldn't delete your number,....so you would ..."accidently"...get calls around 3:00 A.M. on a Saturday from some weepy girl in a bar looking for her boyfriend to pick her up. That's a great call for your wife to answer, thinking it's a family emergency somewhere. For those reasons,.....and many more ,...I WILL NOT use MY cell phone to do their business. They don't even "officially" have my cell phone number. Emergency use only,.......(...and not what the dispatcher thinks is an emergency....)...
Thank you canary you stated what I was thinking but didn't get into words. You know when they had the 7% we got trailers and pdas and no one seemed worried about "production" and we heard about record profits. Now that they only have 5% things are getting "tighter" and I'm sure by the time the next contract comes around we will be "losing" money again. Nothing but greedy liars while we and the customers are the ones that suffer.
We don't have those problems at 065 we others but I guess each terminal manager picks their poison. I had given then a solution to the driver shortage and they did listen and come the week of 10/3/2014 we will see if it helps the city side. YOUR STILL SWINGING FOR THE FENCE BROTHER ALWAYS!
We don't have those problems at 065 we others but I guess each terminal manager picks their poison. I had given then a solution to the driver shortage and they did listen and come the week of 10/3/2014 we will see if it helps the city side. YOUR STILL SWINGING FOR THE FENCE BROTHER ALWAYS!
Did you tip them off about the ummm eerrrrr aaaaaa 'foreign' resources?