FedEx Freight | Thoughts on the change of operations for clt & gsp,that takes place in october?

It seems like swamp mentioned what this thread was started about, months ago as you shot him down just proves you don't know what your talking about or your out of the loop.
Rumors run amuck, until anything is "officially" announced its just that...a rumor. We were told (off the record) of the change of operations just weeks ago and it wasn't officially announced until Friday, up until then it was just a rumor.
It's no different than the Rockhill rumor, until anything is officially announced, it's just that....a rumor.
Also let me add, just because "someone" mentioned that FedEx has purchased land in Rockhill (which is public record) doesn't necessarily mean it's FedEx Freight, it could be for Express, Ground, Custom Critical, or even land for a new Smart Post....until it's officially announced, who really knows?
Rumors run amuck, until anything is "officially" announced its just that...a rumor. We were told (off the record) of the change of operations just weeks ago and it wasn't officially announced until Friday, up until then it was just a rumor.
It's no different than the Rockhill rumor, until anything is officially announced, it's just that....a rumor.
Also let me add, just because "someone" mentioned that FedEx has purchased land in Rockhill (which is public record) doesn't necessarily mean it's FedEx Freight, it could be for Express, Ground, Custom Critical, or even land for a new Smart Post....until it's officially announced, who really knows?

lol keep looking at the sky red.
Sorry you're a little slow today, I'll try to type slower for you....

T-h-e p-r-o-u-n-i-o-n g-u-y-s f-a-b-r-i-c-a-t-e-d a s-t-o-r-y a-b-o-u-t C-L-T l-o-s-i-n-g r-u-n-s t-o G-S-P, t-h-e-n f-a-b-r-i-c-a-t-e-d a-n-o-t-h-e-r s-t-o-r-y a-b-o-u-t h-o-w t-h-e-y s-a-v-e-d a-n-y r-u-n-s f-r-o-m b-e-i-n-g m-o-v-e-d f-r-o-m C-L-T t-o G-S-P. T-h-e-s-e g-u-y-s h-a-d n-o i-d-e-a t-h-a-t a c-h-a-n-g-e o-f o-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n-s w-a-s c-o-m-i-n-g d-o-w-n t-h-e p-i-p-e (a-l-t-h-o-u-g-h a f-e-w o-f u-s w-e-r-e m-a-d-e p-r-i-v-y t-o t-h-i-s i-n-f-o, w-e c-h-o-s-e t-o k-e-e-p i-t t-o o-u-r-s-e-l-v-e-s), o-t-h-e-r-w-i-s-e t-h-e-y w-o-u-l-d-n-'-t h-a-v-e p-u-t o-u-t s-u-c-h B-S p-r-o-p-a-g-a-n-d-a!! W-e c-o-u-l-d-'-v-e c-a-l-l-e-d t-h-e-m o-u-t w-e-e-k-s a-g-o b-u-t w-e c-h-o-s-e t-o w-a-i-t a-n-d l-e-t t-h-e c-o-m-p-a-n-y d-o i-t f-o-r u-s!! B-y m-a-k-i-n-g s-u-c-h c-l-a-i-m-s o-n-l-y t-o e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y l-o-s-e r-u-n-s p-r-o-v-e-s t-h-e-y w-e-r-e m-a-k-i-n-g u-p s-t-o-r-i-e-s i-n o-r-d-e-r t-o g-a-i-n s-u-p-p-o-r-t f-o-r t-h-e-i-r f-a-i-l-i-n-g c-a-u-s- e. W-e-'-r-e c-a-l-l-i-n-g t-h-e-m o-u-t n-o-w b-e-c-a-u-s-e I-M-O w-e-'-r-e g-o-i-n-g t-o l-o-s-e r-u-n-s, w-e a-l-w-a-y-s d-o w-h-e-n t-h-e-r-e-'-s a c-h-a-n-g-e o-f o-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n-s!!

T-R-U-E, n-o-b-o-d-y k-n-o-w-s e-x-a-c-t-l-y w-h-a-t r-u-n-s a-r-e g-o-n-n-a g-o a-n-d w-h-a-t r-u-n-s a-r-e g-o-n-n-a s-t-a-y b-u-t w-h-e-n y-o-u-r-'-r-e d-o-m-i-c-i-l-e-d a-t a h-u-b a-n-d y-o-u-'-v-e b-e-e-n w-i-t-h t-h-e c-o-m-p-a-n-y a-s l-o-n-g a-s w-e h-a-v-e, y-o-u k-n-o-w w-h-e-n t-h-e-r-e-'-s a c-h-a-n-g-e o-f o-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n-s y-o-u-'-r-e g-o-i-n-g t-o l-o-s-e r-u-n-s.....i-t-'-s i-n-e-v-i-t-a-b-l-e!!

Funny Red, but I didn't think I was THAT slow....:distress:

Look at it this way Red, the way I hear it: (GSP loses runs)

If all these "regional" locations are going to run into GSP instead of CLT, how can you predict the losing of runs at CLT. Does CLT currently have runs that go to Hickory, Columbia, etc? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't those locations run into CLT, rather than out of CLT, thus NOT originating in CLT. If they don't originate in CLT, how can CLT lose them? Also any "extra" freight (going beyond the effected locations) is going to go on Purchase trailers anyway. What difference does is make to you whether those Purchase trailers are loaded in GSP or CLT? :scratchhead: Might even be a CLT driver loading them. Imagine that. Note:17% of the TOTAL budget goes to purchase transportation.

Just a questions, Red. I told you I won't be studying freight flow patterns (at my pay scale). That, and the fact that I don't really care all that much about this, still stands. :nono h4h:
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Rumors run amuck, until anything is "officially" announced its just that...a rumor. We were told (off the record) of the change of operations just weeks ago and it wasn't officially announced until Friday, up until then it was just a rumor.
It's no different than the Rockhill rumor, until anything is officially announced, it's just that....a rumor.
Also let me add, just because "someone" mentioned that FedEx has purchased land in Rockhill (which is public record) doesn't necessarily mean it's FedEx Freight, it could be for Express, Ground, Custom Critical, or even land for a new Smart Post....until it's officially announced, who really knows?
Yes to two of the above.One has land,one is looking.Why not get twice the tax breaks..One is approximately two years down the road,the other i have no idea..
Funny Red, but I didn't think I was THAT slow....:distress:

Look at it this way Red, the way I hear it: (GSP loses runs)

If all these "regional" locations are going to run into GSP instead of CLT, how can you predict the losing of runs at CLT. Does CLT currently have runs that go to Hickory, Columbia, etc? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't those locations run into CLT, rather than out of CLT, thus NOT originating in CLT. If they don't originate in CLT, how can CLT lose them? Also any "extra" freight (going beyond the effected locations) is going to go on Purchase trailers anyway. What difference does is make to you whether those Purchase trailers are loaded in GSP or CLT? :scratchhead: Might even be a CLT driver loading them. Imagine that. Note:17% of the TOTAL budget goes to purchase transportation.

Just a questions, Red. I told you I won't be studying freight flow patterns (at my pay scale). That, and the fact that I don't really care all that much about this, still stands. :nono h4h:
Aw Swamp, I was just jabbing ya!! :poke:
Actually I tripled spaced each word to make it easier to read but once I submitted the post the spacing was deleted...oh well, it was the effort that counted I guess. :grin:

Well, that's where you're wrong, these other "regional" centers aren't going to come to GSP "instead" of CLT but rather "along" with CLT. CLT will still remain the major hub for North and South Carolina, GSP will join GBO as mini hubs for their respected states. You're correct in your statement that those centers are currently running into CLT and they'll still continue to do so, but they'll also gain runs to GSP in either the form of a new run(s) or by switching one or more of their CLT runs to GSP this case you're correct again, the freight isn't generated in CLT so it's not a loss for us. Where we "could" lose runs are with those destinations that are south of GSP...for example, Valdosta, Ga will be able to turn GSP where we currently run this freight to ATL. We "could" lose an ATL run(s) (486 miles) while gaining a GSP run(s) (90 miles with dockwork) since Valdosta "could" be coming to GSP. Our run total washed but in reality we lose. The same scenario currently plays out with Va Beach since they can't turn CLT....instead of sending their freight to RCH (564 miles), they can make it to GBO so we send their freight to GBO (90 miles with dockwork) and they come down to get it...again, we lose.
Also, the Jackson, Ms. runs were originally in GSP, CLT met Meridian, Ms. at the time...with the change to the HOS, they moved those runs to CLT. Now with GSP becoming a mini hub and in an effort to relieve pressure from us, I could easily see them moving those runs back to GSP since that's where they were originally located....again, a change in operations.

Along with you, I'm no freight flow specialist either (nor can I predict the future) but I have been domiciled at a hub for the last 20 years and I do have common sense...changes in freight flow will be made, otherwise they wouldn't have announced a change in operations.....and I do care.
Fair enough Red, but we still (supposedly) don't know the exact details, right? :idunno:

Along with you, I'm no freight flow specialist either (nor can I predict the future) but I have been domiciled at a hub for the last 20 years and I do have common sense...changes in freight flow will be made, otherwise they wouldn't have announced a change in operations.....and I do care.

But Red, need I remind you? Whatever is BEST for the Company, is all any of us should want, Right?

What's a little sacrifice, for the greater good? :grouphug:

Some of us sacrifice, through lower than market wages, others sacrifice through uncertainty via that flexibility the company "must have" in order to compete.

Don't we just need to do our jobs, and let the experts figure out these things? After all we're just truck drivers...:smilie93c peelout:

*Truth is this was a far more palatable way for them do change the freight flow, while appeasing the legal dept, in regards to the effect on the represented bargaining unit (CLT drivers). Care to bet on the accuracy of that?
CLT will lose one Pocono meet and one Hagerstown meet while gaining a Youngstown meet and a Richmond hub turn for a net gain in mileage, so much for the doom and gloom.... As Swamp predicted the losers in this are the GSP road drivers.
CLT will lose one Pocono meet and one Hagerstown meet while gaining a Youngstown meet and a Richmond hub turn for a net gain in mileage, so much for the doom and gloom.... As Swamp predicted the losers in this are the GSP road drivers.

So Red you the one that will be cut on the one run???
Fair enough Red, but we still (supposedly) don't know the exact details, right? :idunno:

But Red, need I remind you? Whatever is BEST for the Company, is all any of us should want, Right?

What's a little sacrifice, for the greater good? :grouphug:

Some of us sacrifice, through lower than market wages, others sacrifice through uncertainty via that flexibility the company "must have" in order to compete.

Don't we just need to do our jobs, and let the experts figure out these things? After all we're just truck drivers...:smilie93c peelout:

*Truth is this was a far more palatable way for them do change the freight flow, while appeasing the legal dept, in regards to the effect on the represented bargaining unit (CLT drivers). Care to bet on the accuracy of that?
1) That is correct.
2) & 3) No need to remind me, what's best for the company usually ends up being best for us too...we're all in this together.
4) Small sacrifices in order for the company to thrive is a win win for everybody!!
5) Again, I will agree (man, you're on a roll today!! :grin:) Most drivers are drivers for a reason...we're experts in "our" field and they're experts in "their" field, together, we all make the wheel go round.
6) I'll not take that bet because IMO you're spot on!!

Maybe you ARE smarter than the average bear!!
1) That is correct.
2) & 3) No need to remind me, what's best for the company usually ends up being best for us too...we're all in this together.
4) Small sacrifices in order for the company to thrive is a win win for everybody!!
5) Again, I will agree (man, you're on a roll today!! :grin:) Most drivers are drivers for a reason...we're experts in "our" field and they're experts in "their" field, together, we all make the wheel go round.
6) I'll not take that bet because IMO you're spot on!!

Maybe you ARE smarter than the average bear!!

Yay! We agree, mostly... :sarcasm: :cool:

As far as smarter? :nono h4h: Nah, i doubt that. But probably do "pay attention" more than the average bear... :highly amused: