Yellow | 710 Trustee


TB Lurker
Can anyone believe the ARROGANCE of Vice-President Coli or the willingness of General-President Hoffa to let it continue?
Since day one, Coli has said whatever he has had to say to get us to buy into his "agenda". Now he's not even afraid to put his lie in writing. Local 710's website trusteeship page says:
PLEASE NOTE: On December 10, 2014, General President James P. Hoffa issued an additional notice confirming Local 710’s full trusteeship for a period no less than 18 months....
On the same page there is a link to the Dec. 10, 2014 letter. NO WHERE in the letter does it say anything about a period of no less then 18 months. He tells us whatever he needs to to further his "agenda". And thinks we're to dumb to question the all powerful and knowing Coli.
Mr. Coli, we may not have gone to law school, like you, but most of us stupid drivers, dock workers, office workers, etc. can read. We also know when someone is screwing us.
It's time we start holding General President Hoffa accountable for the actions of his appointed Trustee. He has an election next year and he needs to protect the rights of 710 members and not Coli's political agenda. (even if they are on the same political team)
Concerned 710 members should contact Mr. Hoffa @ (202) 624-6800 and tell him to remove Mr. Coli as Trustee immediately and do whatever he needs to do to return OUR local to us, the members.
if what's going on at our local wasn't clear before maybe this will help. Mr. Coli has not had a union meeting in 10 months. At the last meeting all he could talk above t was the terrible financial condition of the local. Since then he has sold off the entire fleet of cars which we owed nothing on, for almost nothing. He has purchased 4 new trucks for the agents that he appointed and spent over $180000 that we cant afford. Mr. Coli now sends out misleading newsletters instead... of having Union meetings. All so that no one can question the information that he puts out. He's spending thousands of dollars of our money instead of having meetings just to control his message and so that he doesn't have to answer to the members. Mr. Coli is making sure that we are broke so that he can continue to control Local 710 until he can get his funkiest elected or until he can show why we have to break up our local.
Can anyone believe the ARROGANCE of Vice-President Coli or the willingness of General-President Hoffa to let it continue?
Since day one, Coli has said whatever he has had to say to get us to buy into his "agenda". Now he's not even afraid to put his lie in writing. Local 710's website trusteeship page says:
PLEASE NOTE: On December 10, 2014, General President James P. Hoffa issued an additional notice confirming Local 710’s full trusteeship for a period no less than 18 months....
On the same page there is a link to the Dec. 10, 2014 letter. NO WHERE in the letter does it say anything about a period of no less then 18 months. He tells us whatever he needs to to further his "agenda". And thinks we're to dumb to question the all powerful and knowing Coli.
Mr. Coli, we may not have gone to law school, like you, but most of us stupid drivers, dock workers, office workers, etc. can read. We also know when someone is screwing us.
It's time we start holding General President Hoffa accountable for the actions of his appointed Trustee. He has an election next year and he needs to protect the rights of 710 members and not Coli's political agenda. (even if they are on the same political team)
Concerned 710 members should contact Mr. Hoffa @ (202) 624-6800 and tell him to remove Mr. Coli as Trustee immediately and do whatever he needs to do to return OUR local to us, the members.
Post a link, please.
Trust us with your pension and Due's money !!! REALLY !! and by the way how many of you got a union cap or t-shirt or coat from the union for xmas , and hell even a xmas card saying thank you for paying us to **** away your due money & pension fund ????? but most of all " TRUST US "
I knew Pat back when he was just a steward sad to see power and money did this to him believe it or not there was a time he actually cared about the rank and file..