FedEx Freight | 1 hour lunch breaks

Any of you city drivers been told u need to take a 1 hour lunch breaks to cut any overtime out :smilie_132:

wdl6070 :clap:

Not being a city driver (yet?).
But....... on paper I can see were it could make sense.
Just get all your buddies to join you for a good sit down lunch at your favorite restaurant that has truck parking.

You guys have it made, I have to eat a sandwich or a pack of cookies on the run on the phone or going here n there.

What exactly does a person do on a lunch break? I never get one.
You guys have it made, I have to eat a sandwich or a pack of cookies on the run on the phone or going here n there.

What exactly does a person do on a lunch break? I never get one.

It's a city thing. A period of time that you are not paid for, during which you can do whatever you want... Eat, sleep, read, go to the tanning bed, strip club...whatever.
here in mob if we start before 9 we have to take an hour. after 9 its just a half. i wounder what happens when you get some place and they are doing lunch. tm says take lunch and your hour is not over when their lunch is. do you clock in go back to work or say i cant unload or load im on lunch
here in mob if we start before 9 we have to take an hour. after 9 its just a half. i wounder what happens when you get some place and they are doing lunch. tm says take lunch and your hour is not over when their lunch is. do you clock in go back to work or say i cant unload or load im on lunch

In this case you say: Fine, I'll leave and go to lunch... then come back after your lunch and get back in line.

Just My .02 cents
I've asked about this

It wont happen where I'm at. City is barely emptying in time to get the early closers in their area.(with the 30 min lunch mandatory b4 the 5th hour) Our scm said if there's a lag time between delv & p/u's they'll back up the start time on that run next bid.
Any of you city drivers been told u need to take a 1 hour lunch breaks to cut any overtime out :smilie_132:

The bad part of this is that when we get busy again(and we will). There will be a lot of kicking and screaming when its time to go back to 1/2 hour lunch breaks.:popcorn: