TForce | 15 yrs


Con Phew chus says:
  • Good Tings Cum 2 dose woo w8.
  • Paychents is duh virchoo.
  • Say no 2 drunken postings, makes u c dubble.
ive been here 15 yrs never seen a card ....looks like you just cater to the weak and inexpericed

You are directing your anger in the wrong place. If you really want to see a card and you are serious about it, Visit your local hall and start asking questions like alot of others have done.

Con Phew chus says:
  • Good Tings Cum 2 dose woo w8.
  • Paychents is duh virchoo.
  • Say no 2 drunken postings, makes u c dubble.

I need my first pot of coffee before I come on these boards and look at double vision like that. Thanks for waking me up and making me dizzy all at the same time.