Holland | 4 hour premium for the 4th


TB Lurker
Did any line-haul drivers outside of GR that worked past midnight Thursday night not get paid their 4 hour premium? We did not get it as we did in the past. Payroll note says you have to work past noon. It's funny that when we questioned it last year they paid it, but this year they changed their tune again. We question our steward who called BA who called corp. labor who said it should be taken care of by next Friday. Just wanted to make sure everyone who has it coming to them, gets it.
If any Driver wants their money now they can write a short note. Include what you were shorted, when, your name, and employee number, and write that your request to be paid the next business day. Then fax the sheet to payroll.
Article 50 in the Central States Supplement states that any shortage over $50.00 will be paid the next business day if requested by the driver.