Yellow | 70's Vintage Woman Trucker Gets Blown Off By A yellow Truck At 1:33.

1:53 will tell you everything wrong with today's trucking industry.
Today you apply online instead of getting to meet with the people who are actually in charge and looking for someone they can simply depend on. If they do call you in for a road test you climb into the cab and find a camera mounted to the dashboard and have to turn to the person who is riding with you and say "thanks for calling me in but I don't want to work for you". Back then you wore what you liked to wear. Today you have to wear a uniform and it seems several companies have a uniform policy that includes wearing a turban.
Anytime I see a young person getting into driving a tractor trailer I try to talk them into trying something different.
1:53 will tell you everything wrong with today's trucking industry.
Today you apply online instead of getting to meet with the people who are actually in charge and looking for someone they can simply depend on. If they do call you in for a road test you climb into the cab and find a camera mounted to the dashboard and have to turn to the person who is riding with you and say "thanks for calling me in but I don't want to work for you". Back then you wore what you liked to wear. Today you have to wear a uniform and it seems several companies have a uniform policy that includes wearing a turban.
Anytime I see a young person getting into driving a tractor trailer I try to talk them into trying something different.
TB, that's only if it's a "turban-powered" truck!
If they do call you in for a road test you climb into the cab and find a camera mounted to the dashboard and have to turn to the person who is riding with you and say "thanks for calling me in but I don't want to work for you".
Especially will artificial intelligence coming out that's already been used in some Amazon delivery driver trucks. You get those guys that go "I don't play on my phone I have nothing to hide." Well that's not the problem.... The problem is a camera on you that will eventually be monitored by AI making sure you are constantly scanning your mirrors with both hands on the steering wheel all the time and if not it'll flag you for review... Feeling a little drowsy? Go get a coffee well now it can read your face and eyes and flag you for driving drowsy and distracted driving with 1 hand drinking your coffee.

How long before this starts being implemented widespread and the artificial intelligence skynet terminator baby monitor racks up your points and tells you that you are fired without the need of having a human make the decision because people have a heart.

This is what the greedy rich corporate people on top want robots.
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