Another LAST thread

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Thanks, Had to call in today due to got out of bed this morning and almost hit floor cause legs felt like jello. Stayed in bed all day to rest up for tomorrow. Hope you are having a great weekend. I am LAST
Man, I do not like the sounds of that, hope you feel better soon. I hope it is something more than morning sickness. Sorry I just had to say that to see if it would make you smile. I am now last as I just :kickedoutsmile:Ferdinand213 out of Last place and he is sailing his way to first with the others at the motel 6. Got to love it as to how easy it is to be last and happy. Seriously Kiddo, get better. :1036316054:
I have decided your way to cocky to be LAST.

Welcome to the Truckingboards Family............ ....... Congrats on being First with your First Post!........

Just keep in mind...I am always LAST........Regardless of what Kabayo and his rotund Rider and "ample" owner might tell you......Or ESP......or any of the others up there in First with you........
Keep in mind you're with Ferdie First.
Kabayo and I are LAST.

Impossible..... I've never seen either of you LAST..... Go see Silly Goose.....see if she can get you two your "fix"'ll soon forget about....ahhh....well you'll just forget!

Now run along and play with your friend Ferdinand213.... I hear he comes from a nice Family that just moved into First...Across from know the place..... Right on River St....upstream from Flounder......
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