Are You Going To Drive One Of These?


It's About The Borders - Idiot
Glad I'm out, I would have no interest in driving one of these.

It'll be interesting, makes you wonder who'll pay for all the charging stations and the additional needed electrical infrastructure to handle it all, not to mention the fact leftists just love electric vehicles and hate power plants at the same time.....morons.
Give a whole new meaning to being on the bubble. Per the Boss.


And California cannot keep the lights on or air conditioning going at night anymore and they expect these parasitical trucks to drain the grid more? HA.

Im glad I had my fun with them older rigs. Perhaps a 1984 era Autocar or something really tough and many gauges.
Electric trucks will be maintained on trips by real steering wheel holders (not required to actually drive) AND according to the Federal Manipulation (of) Cooperating Slaves (in) America, newly trained 18 year young drivers.
Trucking Died when Driver Facing Cameras appeared.

The first wreck of a Driver FREE Truck will be blamed on the Programmer, or "signal corrupted".
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"cubby/chubby hole" optional.
Query your Safety Department.
"Extra" Mirrors at Driver Expense.
The ride would be fun as hell. Watch this electric semi go from 5 mph to about 56 in a few seconds after turning the corner to the freeway

I take the opposite view.

I go straight to the oldest saddest Iron behind the shop that I can find. I'll put it to work. No one else will touch it. Once the shop gets through with the driver vehicle inspection fix it list.