Yellow | Atten:James Welch


TB Lurker
As an employee,we did understand ALL the fundementals going into the MOU,you have to, as an employer know that we the employees have done our part,we have forgone and given up BILLIONS in REAL cash and raises we could have received. It is now time to approach other segments of the company{EX:upper management, back office senior staff}to reduce the internal costs there.It would behoove you to be the one to step forward to take a $1 a year salary,if as you say, you have the companays best interest at heart. As employees we are not ignorant,we have seen the balance sheets ,and they can be provided upon request, you and the top tier management have received BONUSES this year as per YOUR contracts. To this I ASK: Where is the shared sacrifice?? We have anted up,Have you,..That answer is no.I guess this is like a GLASS HOUSE situation,the rank and filed have contributed their fair share,into the BILLIONS of dollars,yes that's with a B.Most of us "little people" want the company to survive and flourish, we do believe in SHARED SACRAFICE,we are just waiting to see it.