Autonomous Cargo Ships?


TB Veteran
"Rolls-Royce doesn’t just make cars. Technically, the Rolls-Royce this story refers to doesn’t make cars at all, as it sold its car division to BMW back in the 1990s. No, the Roll-Royce I’m talking about is the jet engine and ship manufacturer. And its Ocean Blue team has a wild new idea: crewless drone freighters. The ships, envisioned above, work much like self-driving cars or drones, along with remote human intervention, by relying on cameras and sensors to autonomously pilot their course. The Rolls team has constructed a virtual prototype of the autonomous ship bridge in its offices in Alesund, Norway, where it is running simulations of the operating system. The London-based company claims the ships would be faster, cheaper to operate, and have a smaller carbon footprint."

Rolls-Royce envisions crewless drone freight ships | Digital Trends

MUNIN | MUNIN – Maritime Unmanned Navigation through Intelligence in Networks s_ships.htm

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