Yellow | Change Of Operations 03/11/13

maybe im missing something.
seems the path we are on is the same path that got us to where we are now.
changing lanes.moving people , hiring more managment that have no clue about freight doesnt seem to be working.
maybe its time to really clean house on the top .
im pretty sure i could cut 30-40 million in my 1st days.
id bet i could find a couple dozen vps that are doing nothing at all.

You just . . . don't . . . get it . . . do ya?
NOTE: There will not be a COO hearing on 3/20/13, nor is there one sceduled for April while "TNFINC is reviewing various substantive and procedural issues involved with the proposed change" as per memo sent to IBT Locals today, after the COO was released......KK

Did people miss this post?....
Albag and KK,
I truly understand the mess Welch and Rogers inherited and I am all for giving them (or anyone at this point) a chance to "turn the boat around", that in it's self is not the issue, the issue is how they are doing it.

Say your in the said "boat" with a gaping hole in the side, you and several others are sitting on a plate; the captain hands you a bucket and says start bailing; I don't know about you but me, I'm gona be screaming for everyone to get off of their asses, get the plate over the hole and everyone start bailing water!!!!!

Ya don't fix the symptom (water runnin in), ya fix the problem (a big friggin hole in the side of the boat) and closing a few end of the line terminals and moving men around is fixing the symptom while the problem still exists....We continue to do stupid **** that looses US money!!!!!!!!!!
i will never be convinced that boxxie boy is working for yrc if he is it might be friday late nights and saturday clean up because they cant get any1 to work 6 punches.,so i believe hes not working at all because we all know that guys would jump all over the time and a half .
I have been reading the posts concerning the COO even though it doesn't effect me. I have been on lay off for almost a year because of the last COO. I'm not here to "poo-poo" my predicament. However, I do think I understand the negative feelings associated with these changes. First, and foremost, these changes are about saving money. But they are also being implemented with the knowledge that everyone that can move, will NOT move (someone like me). By not moving, the company was able to replace me with someone with less seniority; saving the company money. How many changes have we had now since 2008? How many people like me chose not to move? BTW, I had over 20 years. The simple truth is: anyone working for large company's like YRC is NEVER an individual in the minds eye of corporate decision making. WE ARE HUMAN RESOURCES! Get used to it people. Look on your pay stub. You are a number, just like a YRC tractor, trailer or forklift. Now, the second thing I want to point out is the end consequence of these changes. When terminals close or downsize, it usually leaves a void, or better yet, an opening for YRC's competition. And as these companies grow their business, where do you think they turn to hire? The first thing they do: hire supervisors. Then they begin to hire "the best of the best" with all those years of experience (PS, I'm not talking about myself) Locally, every trucking company has former YRC people working for them. I imagine this is going on nation wide. So, at the end of the day, YRC is saving money, but at the same time, they're making their competition stronger. Now, in this example, I'm really only talking about local cartage. Over the road is a completely different animal. But I've done my research there as well. In this Country, it sucks to be a truck driver. Most over the road truck drivers are treated like dirt. With the exception of company's like YRC, the turnover rate in over the road trucking is over 100%! So I completely understand why a YRC driver will do whatever it takes to protect their jobs. The idea of moving, AGAIN, or going to work for a company and being on the road for 3 weeks, living in a bunk and hoping you find a good, clean truck stop; there's no question as to how I would decide. I WOULD MAKE THE MOVE! What I'm saying: if you worked local cartage, your decision to move is different from a driver's. And whether you agree or not, that's how I see things. Everyone has their own perspective on things. Just because they differ from yours; it doesn't mean they're bad people. Quit hammering folks trying to make a living. It does you no good.
even at the max zoom(400%) i cant read the change posted.any suggestions for me to be able to read? thanks.

Click on the link on the first post and after a new page loads ( wait awhile ) CLICK on each part and they will up load in a new page alot bigger . Try that and let me know
Talk about a measter. You are referring to the guys who put it on the line all their lives to build what we used to have. I'm sure you're a pleasure to work with, bringing in the doughnuts, hurrying it up to get out of the yard before one of those dinosaurs robs you of your precious overtime and all.

You haven't a clue about me. I'm talking about the dinosaurs that are past the retirement age but will screw another teamster out of a job opportunity just to get a free ride down the road just to retire when they get there. As for being a pleasure to work with, I could give a rat's ass if i'm liked or not. I hired on to do a job and that's what I go to work to do. As for the guys that feel its their right to screw the dog because they think they're owed a living, carma is a great thing. Funny thing is they come running to me to save their job when they get called on the carpet. I lost 15 % just like everyone else, and yes I was bitter about it for a while, but life is way to short to carry a grudge. Grow up, Man up, do what you have to do to support your family.
You haven't a clue about me. I'm talking about the dinosaurs that are past the retirement age but will screw another teamster out of a job opportunity just to get a free ride down the road just to retire when they get there. As for being a pleasure to work with, I could give a rat's ass if i'm liked or not. I hired on to do a job and that's what I go to work to do. As for the guys that feel its their right to screw the dog because they think they're owed a living, carma is a great thing. Funny thing is they come running to me to save their job when they get called on the carpet. I lost 15 % just like everyone else, and yes I was bitter about it for a while, but life is way to short to carry a grudge. Grow up, Man up, do what you have to do to support your family.

Perhaps doing what they need to do to support their family is to keep working. You dont know what those dinosaur's situation is and why they continue to work
Perhaps doing what they need to do to support their family is to keep working. You dont know what those dinosaur's situation is and why they continue to work
Read what I said, The guys that take a free ride down the road only to retire when they get there, and screw a guy out of a job opportunity. I never said I had a problem with a guy moving to support his family.
Read what I said, The guys that take a free ride down the road only to retire when they get there, and screw a guy out of a job opportunity. I never said I had a problem with a guy moving to support his family.

I understand what you said. And I say good for them. After all the bs this pig has put its workers thru, if you can get them to move you to the area you want to retire in I say go for it. Take advantage of whatever you can. Because you know they will take advantage and use you twice as much.
Well as always I seen it here 1st on TB thank all. I see the rants about long tenured members not
retiring,your 15% give back and lacked pension which if the doors had closed then the ranting
would be mute. If this is approved by membership this will help out the junior person like myself
to get back from a 4year layoff and give us real choices for long tenure. Also to help YRCF take
the #1 spot in moving freight and then in 2015 gain the lost items back.
Howmuch did they spend of our 15% to decide to write this up and then not to go through with it. Hey everyone. I need $1500.oo Lets meet. Feel our pockets and then meet again. Wait we didn't hide enough money last Quarter, Lets make up an excuse to lose more money. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we'l never pay the money back to the banks I mean ourselves. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA.