FedEx Freight | Charlotte City Drivers Attention!

I like your thoughts.Peddling snake oil.Im a Teamster.Heck nothing is perfect.I like to try to get a little more while I'm working.So does the other million plus that are already union.God Bless.Its a tough road to hoe no matter what.Unless you win the lottery
That, my friend, has already been accepted by me as a "no win" ...LOL
The only CLT drivers who will be teamsters will be the ones who join. N.C is a right to work state. No one has to join. A lot of drivers who voted yes have said they wouldn't pay dues. Pretty weak vote, barely over half. Don't see a contract getting done. No leverage.

But yet the majority voted it in. lol
No math needed some of the driver's didn't take the time to vote either way
Thanks for proving my point, they didn't get the majority of drivers like you stated.
Prior to 2010, those that didn't vote would've been counted as no votes....guess that $1.7 billion that the labor unions spent on liberal candidates (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, & The Ruler) was money well spent.
Thanks for proving my point, they didn't get the majority of drivers like you stated.
Prior to 2010, those that didn't vote would've been counted as no votes....guess that $1.7 billion that the labor unions spent on liberal candidates (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, & The Ruler) was money well spent.
That's true,but since they had more yes then no ,the people that couldn't wouldn't didn't care to take the time to vote have no voice.just like any election if you don't take the time to vote and the outcome is not to your liking,too bad so sad, That's the rules today and everybody should have been wise to vote either way instead of sitting back and watching the outcome. In reguards I think all dc is a bunch of crooks both ways,respect the vote "nuff said
Thanks for proving my point, they didn't get the majority of drivers like you stated.
Prior to 2010, those that didn't vote would've been counted as no votes....guess that $1.7 billion that the labor unions spent on liberal candidates (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, & The Ruler) was money well spent.
How much did Fred spend to keep his mushrooms in the dark ?
We will never give up just keep that in mind the strong will prevail. :nutkick:

Still got that secret plan your buddy wasn't gonna let out of the bag just yet, maybe time to open that bag and show your hand!!! OR you could not open it and lite it on fire and then stomp it out!! But then you'd have the same thing on your shoes as you do your, I'm sure you get the jest???
No they didn't and you know it, UPSF got a contract but not Overnight. You also know darn well this isn't the same situation.
Ever wonder if someone knew what was in the future for Overnite? In other words...... Why throw more money at a battle that was won?
Thanks for proving my point, they didn't get the majority of drivers like you stated.
Prior to 2010, those that didn't vote would've been counted as no votes....guess that $1.7 billion that the labor unions spent on liberal candidates (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, & The Ruler) was money well spent.
Pocket change right? Money well spent to have a fair election. A non vote is just that. It should not count as a nay. If our legislators had the same, could you just imagine what the outcome of our laws would be? Chaotic to say the least.
Only difference between organizing Over nite and FedEx.The union pushed to organize Overnite.We were asked to help you and get the balloting.Not mad or anything.I think it's been great organizing some of ya's. .keep up the effort