XPO | Conway Six Sigma

They have been saying all of that about this place since it went public. Not only doesn't this monster die. It grows stronger.

Used to take 20 minutes to unload a trailer. Now, if you follow the SWI you won't even have one piece off in 20 minutes.

Yet sales are through the roof. Revenue is well over $5 billion.

What the hell ? I don't know. The checks clear. How can I complain ?

It makes me shake my head when we keep leaving freight. Telling customers they aren't good enough. But the tonnage is the same every night and the outbound closes at the same time too.

Man I don't get it. All I get is a pay check. And I'm keeping it. They can figure the rest out.

You're right, it doesn't make sense. And I guess it doesn't really pay to worry about stuff over your pay grade. I just couldn't handle all the idiocy coming down the track.

I think most successful companies use facets of lean, even without doing it intentionally. All of that is just common sense. The rest of it just seems like it is a way to overthink the room.
I'm afraid a 7-step process in a rapidly changing environment is going to prove very unwieldy and slow.
I'm not talking about problem solving on the fly. I'm talking about addressing a systemic problem in what is known as Kaizen Event and applying the solution to whatever problem was addressed, such as missing early closers or getting freight back from FAC's sooner.
Close the FAC's. Run the freight direct between centers. Outbound could leave later, covering for the late closers. Inbound would get their loads back sooner, and, without 90 % of the damages caused by over handling. I worked here before they opened the FAC's.........all inbound was in our yard by 8 a.m. everyday, most of it long before that. Damages weren't near the problem, and most outbound drivers didn't head to their turn points until midnight........oh, and inbound was shut down every day, by 10 a.m. That's what I think........:479::emoticon digging:
Close the FAC's. Run the freight direct between centers. Outbound could leave later, covering for the late closers. Inbound would get their loads back sooner, and, without 90 % of the damages caused by over handling. I worked here before they opened the FAC's.........all inbound was in our yard by 8 a.m. everyday, most of it long before that. Damages weren't near the problem, and most outbound drivers didn't head to their turn points until midnight........oh, and inbound was shut down every day, by 10 a.m. That's what I think........:479::emoticon digging:

Back then it wasn't a nationwide system. How are you gonna direct ship New York to LA ? You looking to use MORE subservice ?

We need FAC's. We should probably also be running some bag runs. But one of the few real selling points Con-way has is HOME EVERY DAY. And I use caps because it is a big deal. If we go to a set up like a lot of the other LTL's use where you are running bag runs. Why would a driver come to Con-way ? What is the draw ?

I hear a lot of people saying that the defections have slowed. That we are retaining more now. That we are training everywhere we can possibly run a school. That things are getting better as far as head count. This summer should be interesting. Will a company jump out like OD has done and pay to get drivers in house ? If wages go back to stagnation will drivers stay behind the wheel ? And I don't know about you guys but we got a bunch of drivers ready to retire this year. Not just from age but also failing health. Some guys aren't old enough to retire but are to old to do the work.