Dave and Ed Surrender

This is what angers me the most! Men that claim the name of Christ while they crucify their workers. I wish I was a fly on the wall Christmas morning at Dave and Eds..... They wake up and race down to the Tree with the kids and grandkids. As the drink their hot apple cider. Of course the feel good about themselves as they know that OHFL hauled food to the needy Free of charge. And they helped all the " Best Employees Ever" give to the Salvation Army. Of course Ed felt a little bad about the Worthless Garbage Teamsters most of have worked for many years helping build the company to where it tripled its income every 5 years. Dave said to Ed that morning " Ed I saw you toss an extra quarter into the bell ringers pot Praise the Lord!" Then Ed said "Dave I was so glad to see you stick it to the Guys on the picket line Remember the year you bought WalMart gift cards, Nothing like rubbing that in their faces" Dave replied "Well Ed lets just watch the family open up their presents and put all our Teamsters workers out of our minds" "You know they don't have medical now". "Thats right some of those guys had kids with medical problems but the Lord will heal them". Thats right! We VanderPols love our neighbors as ourselves. Hey Dave Wow you must of paid a bunch of money for these golf clubs Top of the line for my brother. Lets fly down to pebble beach for a weekend of golf. That sounds great! Now at the burn barrel.... 2 teamsters on the picket line. Hey Bob here is $20.00 I got some money back I had to refinace the house to stay a float. I can't take that your in the same boat I am in Sam. Look Bob my kids are up and out, you can get something for your kids stockings, Bob replied I had to have a family meeting. Told the family Christmas will be without many gifts this year. Hey Sam you always seem to be the guy helping out when the chips are down for others. Thanks Bob It is call compassion, Pass it forward is all I ask.