ODFL | do you idle and why


TB Regular
do you idle when getting disp. and when fueling and do you think it is being waistfull i run solo with a sleeper and try not to even idle at night when i can help it i keep a sleeping bag and a fan to make me comfortable
f that...run it. you use like a gallon a hour from what i hear...dont even know if thats true or not but anything to keep me comfy
of course i run local.
If I were running OTR I'd run it whenever I needed to keep comfy. The folks in the office dont care you're freezing or burning up in the heat while they're at home enjoying their central air system. As for P/D I'll leave it idle alot if I'm only going to be out of the truck for a few mins and in a safe area. Cant be good restarting a truck 20+ times a day especially if it has trouble getting up and running again like some of rigs do.
Idle , you guys mean leave the truck running? I drive Concrete Mixer Trucks and sometimes we'll wait for loads for an hour or two and have our trucks running(idling the whole time) I don't know if that's what u mean by idling, but anyway i can't believe they don't mine having our trucks idling for so long, b/c its such a waste of fuel, but if they don't care then i don't care. Im getting paid for waiting so Im not bad just bored. If i was doing long haul i wouldn't even be getting paid unless the truck was moving.