ODFL | got the word today


TB Regular
just wantded to introduse myself.iam gearraker,just got the word friday morning.od is going to hire me to run the road.i start august 12 at 8pm.
just wantded to introduse myself.iam gearraker,just got the word friday morning.od is going to hire me to run the road.i start august 12 at 8pm.

Welcome to ODFL.Put no more than they will match in the O.D. 401,put the rest in a Roth 401 at any bank.Do your pretrips completely and don't get stuck with someone else's problems they were too lazy to get fixed.Fuel where you're supposed to.If you're going to be late all you have to do is call,but remember who you talk to.Be just as careful on the yard as you are on the road.Be safe and good luck...anybody got anything to add ??????
good luck and see you on the road. Really the only thing i can tell you is on saturday's get use to sitting on phone with central dispatch and hearing that wonderful music that they have :funky:
yeah because us city drivers will be up really early tryin to get through to central to take your freight, welcome to OD!
hey... someone's got to work around here. Too bad it's us city folk :(
Running road for OD is going to be one of the easiest jobs out there in trucking. You made a good choice. Even if you're gone from home you'll be treated like a human staying in a hotel unlike your common OTR driver parked in the back row of your nearest truckstop.
dont forget the hindo hilton in jersey city!!!!swimming pool and everthing to go along with it!just kidding,they only have a swimming pool when it rains real hard.ex oder out of roa.you will enjoy working with these folks.good luck.
well startded at od,getting ready to head there right now,all i can say this seems like a pretty nice company to work for and hope it works out.
I just took my physical, drug test, and road test for OD today. The TM says my best possible start date is almost 2 weeks away. I'm anxious, since this process is already 2 weeks along. That's how long it's taken them to get my background done, etc. I want to get started on this linehaul deal and see if it's any good. Hoping for the best, and preparing for...........a trucking job! :1036316054: In the meantime, I'll keep hauling logs until they call back.
I just took my physical, drug test, and road test for OD today. The TM says my best possible start date is almost 2 weeks away. I'm anxious, since this process is already 2 weeks along. That's how long it's taken them to get my background done, etc. I want to get started on this linehaul deal and see if it's any good. Hoping for the best, and preparing for...........a trucking job! :1036316054: In the meantime, I'll keep hauling logs until they call back.
well let me tell u iam impressed,they will let u run as hard as u legaly can,by your choice,the sky is the limit.just rember to do everthing by the book.
Rememer to prepare for the slow times.

Good advice for everybody.This is the middle of August,the next time it slows down may last a while.Rule number 1 in the freight business,get it while it's there to get.And if you're new to driving get all the experience you can BEFORE winter.