Yellow | Harvey upsets freight companies


TB Legend

Trucking fleets, railroads and shipping lines are scrambling to reroute cargo

Darren Hawkins, president of YRC Freight, said the trucking company's terminal in Houston has remained closed since Friday, when workers were sent home, and the company hasn't decided when it will be able to reopen.

"We have about 3 feet of standing water in the parking lot," he said.

YRC has been holding freight bound for Texas near the origin point since the middle of last week, adding trailers to keep goods at sites throughout its nationwide network.

Mr. Hawkins said YRC is bringing some critical shipments needed for relief, including generators and bottled water, to staging areas authorities have set up around the city. But it could be some time before operations get back to normal, he said.

"By the time the city is open again, there is going to be a tremendous amount of tonnage going in," Mr. Hawkins said. "This is looking like a multiday event, and so it's not over, and means the recovery will be that much longer. With Katrina, we had almost immediate access [after the storm surge] to the area. That's not the case with Houston."