ABF | How do the 2018 KW road tractors drive?

The company has been moving landing gears & fifth wheels for quite a while. I remember moving landing gears on a fleet of trailers to clear the tractor. When the Volvos were new the mudflaps were being taken off by a group of older trailers on lots that were not level during sharp turns. I assume the initial checks were made on level ground.
We moved the flaps up & forward a few inches to clear. At one time the landing gear was moved forward on a fleet of trailers to avoid the trailer tipping forward when being loaded heavy on the front. As I remember some did tip forward before the gears were moved forward due to the nose pole not being put down while loading.
Do you think they'll go back to nose poles to accommodate the sliding 5th wheels?

I'm so ancient on todays technology, at one time, forklifts were not allowed in a pup unless the pole was dropped.
I'm sure you've seen several on their nose.
I'm so ancient on todays technology, at one time, forklifts were not allowed in a pup unless the pole was dropped.
I'm sure you've seen several on their nose.

I’ve been in a pup that felt real...”wiggly”....and found out the nose pole was dropped, but the pin wasn’t put in....