ABF | How has been starting over at ABF been for you

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This is for the guys who`ve come from YRC, or anywhere really, and started over at ABF. What has been the hardest part for you? What is something maybe you thought would be difficult, but maybe has`nt been so bad? Honestly, I know it`s easy to say no, have you any regrets what so ever? I feel like the time to make a change, for me, is getting closer and closer, but it is still pretty scary to me . The one thing that really troubles me about ABF is the vacation schedule. Im just not sure about waiting 2 years for one week of vacation, seems so long when your used to 3 weeks. Any comments or opinions are appreciated.
This is for the guys who`ve come from YRC, or anywhere really, and started over at ABF. What has been the hardest part for you? What is something maybe you thought would be difficult, but maybe has`nt been so bad? Honestly, I know it`s easy to say no, have you any regrets what so ever? I feel like the time to make a change, for me, is getting closer and closer, but it is still pretty scary to me . The one thing that really troubles me about ABF is the vacation schedule. Im just not sure about waiting 2 years for one week of vacation, seems so long when your used to 3 weeks. Any comments or opinions are appreciated.
I left yrc 6 years ago, best thing I ever did, the vacation blows but on the bright side it only takes 1 year for full rate. As for how they treat you it's much better then I was treated at roadway (yrc), we have a yrc guy with 11 years being processed.. I won't tell you what to do but I dident see a future with yrc....
I left yrc 6 years ago, best thing I ever did, the vacation blows but on the bright side it only takes 1 year for full rate. As for how they treat you it's much better then I was treated at roadway (yrc), we have a yrc guy with 11 years being processed.. I won't tell you what to do but I dident see a future with yrc....

I here ya brotha .I dont see one either.
I`ve got 18yrs in . 23.5 towards my pension. Had an interview yesterday . We`ll see what happens.
Good luck hope it works out for you. I'm an ABF lifer so I can't help you with starting like these other guys.
It's the people you work with, and the conditions you work under that make you happy,......not the money.The money is just the icing on the cake,....if it's good.........
I am just starting with ABF, 29 years with Holland I have only one regret that Holland was bought by YRCW. But for a future and the stability that ABF has,it is a good move. There will never be any kind of security at YRCW and you will never be able to have any pension from them. Good Luck it is time to move on
When YRC shut my terminal down last year in the yearly lets throw some coo crap against the wall and see if it sticks fiasco, I was pretty bummed. I like everyone else there was looking forward to 15 when I was hoping to at least maybe start getting full pension credit. I knew we'd never see the money back. The day I heard they were going to shut my terminal down I stuck an app in at ABF. Got put on 3 weeks after terminal closed. At the time I was mad that YRC did this to me, but now with all the crap they're trying to get ya'll to take up the wazooo, they actually did me a favor. I like working here and like others have said the only bummer is the vacation. Went from 3 weeks to 0. Will have to put a couple of sick days with a couple days off for a couple of little extended weekends this summer. Don't know what the future holds for ABF but it seems to be a better run company that's not flying by the seat of their pants with no one at the helm. Only regret I have, is wish I'd done it sooner! I would tell anyone at YRC, if this MOU gets past, to cut your losses, get out and don't look back. Unless you like looking back at a train wreck. I've always heard if you cant work for ABF you cant work for anybody. It's true.
Welcome aboard I left holland 3 years ago after 17 years with them my only regret was that I didn't do it at the start of all that mou crap
Welcome aboard I left holland 3 years ago after 17 years with them my only regret was that I didn't do it at the start of all that mou crap
Good for you, looks like yrc will get the extension. Lets see how many walk the walk & look for a new job like they say that are going to, it will be the same people giving back for a 5th time in less then 5 years saying the same thing....
Welcome aboard I left holland 3 years ago after 17 years with them my only regret was that I didn't do it at the start of all that mou crap
Me too. If I had only known. Even thought they are closing my terminal I am better off than if I had stayed at Holland. I would do it again.
ABF around here is kinda disorganized compared to Holland but they are much better at treating you like a human.
Although I am getting little hints that they might be changing a little bit with the fact that upper management is pressuring local management to give out lots of letters for stupid things like forgetting to log a break in the pda.
The thing that kills me about the breaks is the number of breaks I DID NOT take over the years. When I'm in the cycle of working gobs of hours I'd rather not take that second break just so I can get outta there. No more donations from me. In fact, don't forget that we get a break EVERY TWO HOURS after putting our 8 in. So if you work over 12 and don't take two more breaks you have donated 20 minutes OT (30 mins straight time pay) to the company that needed our 7% plus vacation. Which, by the way brings our total to just about 15% concession.
Yup,....I now log in every break,....not in fear of a letter, but just to make sure I'm getting everything owed to me. If you're going to steal from my family, I'm not going to stand there with an open wallet so that mgmt. could help themselves. Slowly,....ever so slowly,....ABF upper mgmt. is changing the culture of this company from co-workers doing a job together,... to the ol' victim and perpetrator setup that so many companies seem to run on nowadays. The younger managers seem to need to prove,....mainly to themselves,....that they are "In Charge", by nit-picking the Labor force,.....and this so-called contract provides them with enough nit-picking materiel to really get under the skin of the guys who are really providing the revenue to this company. (In case you're a management spy, and you're confused by that last statement,......the people actually making the revenue are,.....the drivers and dockworkers. Not the salesmen. Not the clerks. Not the terminal managers. ...to coin a phrase, those are all "parasites to profit."...............so are company spies. ...Parasites, I mean....) A couple of years from now, ABF upper mgmt. will have to form a "focus group" to determine why the quality of our service has dropped dramatically,....why it seems so hard to hire experienced and motivated employees,......and whether or not they should ......"crack down" on the employees ,...to improve productivity. I laugh,.......not merrily, but with a hint of sadness. Once again , a good, honest company gets taken over by weasels who think employees and their wages interfere with profits, and the only way to make a company "successful" is to continually grind down on the employees. "The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.".....See: YRC....See: The reasons good freight guys quit YRC. See: the reason good non-Union freight guys USED to aspire to get hired at ABF, YRC , Holland, or New Penn,......and now they're shrugging their shoulders, and saying: "What's the point?" Quick! Quick! ABF Upper mgmt! More than half of your work force is over 55! You'd better start figuring it out quickly how to make this occupation attractive to younger people. Good Luck! ......because this job isn't even mentioned at any High School Job Fair, or college Job Fairs,...........young people with college debt are NOT going to come here...........so you, as an employer, will get what you pay for. "Good is never Cheap, and Cheap is never Good." ............And,....after looking at the UPSF agreement that was ratified last week,....how does ABF upper mgmt. feel about continuing to say that "We have the best wage package in the industy."? They'll be almost $4.00 an hour more than us within 4 years, with a solid single-employer pension plan. If I was a young man looking to get into freight.........for whatever arcane reason, given that there are many, many better choices out there,........I certainly would go for the highest- paying company with the most stable pension..........If I was smart,......and I presume that's what upper mgmt. is looking for. Don't see that here, anymore,......certainly don't see that at YRC,......Whaddy'Ya Got, Freight carriers, to attract younger people, when all of your old geezers,.....more than half your work force,....is gone in two years?
Welcome aboard I left holland 3 years ago after 17 years with them my only regret was that I didn't do it at the start of all that mou crap
Yesterday I pull in the yard noticed a yrc truck against the fence, It was a driver I knew said he was looking for a app. but was told he had to fill it out online, he is a 20+ year man. His reason for looking for another job was that he is tired of worrying about his future, he said if its not abf it will be someone else....