Yellow | I say no to give back unless



I say no unless Y.R.C. is willing to sell off there holdings in China. The company spent money that hard working teamsters made for them on a commpany in China. SELL IT. Before I would vote to give back a dime I would expect all of Y.R.C to become N.M.F.A. teamsters. I would not vote to cut my pay while the company spends money on expanding there non union divisions (Glen Moore, ect.) Management is a great expense, cut salaries above 100,000.00 per year to 100,000.00 per year. Those in management from your local terminal dispatcher all the way up to $Bill Z., if you cost the company money its time to look for a new job. No benefits, buyouts, or stocks for you. After Y.R.C does the above I would consider a give back, I beleave I gave back enough when we received our last contract. Tell your local unions there will be no give back unless!!! The union is there to help you not the company.
I say no unless Y.R.C. is willing to sell off there holdings in China. The company spent money that hard working teamsters made for them on a commpany in China. SELL IT. Before I would vote to give back a dime I would expect all of Y.R.C to become N.M.F.A. teamsters. I would not vote to cut my pay while the company spends money on expanding there non union divisions (Glen Moore, ect.) Management is a great expense, cut salaries above 100,000.00 per year to 100,000.00 per year. Those in management from your local terminal dispatcher all the way up to $Bill Z., if you cost the company money its time to look for a new job. No benefits, buyouts, or stocks for you. After Y.R.C does the above I would consider a give back, I beleave I gave back enough when we received our last contract. Tell your local unions there will be no give back unless!!! The union is there to help you not the company.

Have you ever thought that some if not all of the freight that comes over from china on the co gets on our trailers? And you might be happy to learn that Glen Moore is union. At least most of them are. I agree with you on Mgmt. Let them give some back than I will.
Have you ever thought that some if not all of the freight that comes over from china on the co gets on our trailers? And you might be happy to learn that Glen Moore is union. At least most of them are. I agree with you on Mgmt. Let them give some back than I will.

most of the freight that comes over is in containers,how many containers are you seeing at your terminal?? And Glen Moore is non union, they are looking at a white paper aggreement with the teamsters at this time, but that will do nothing for the N.M.F.a. teamsters.
If we make concessions the money should be considered most senior debt. so the lost wages are paid before any debtor.

There is not a company that asked for wage concessions that didn't go out of business later and then the money went to debtors and not to the wages owed.

This is just so dumb. The first reaction to a company asking for wage concessions is the customer stops shipping with you. Why? because their freight has been left on to many closed companies docks. I know most of the drivers and dock workers are smarter than the management at this company. Warren Buffet warned in 2003 of the financial nuclear bombs in the form of derivatives. That is what is locking up the banks. Would you lend money to someone that has secret loans (off books) and will most probably not be able to repay? Would you have any idea of who they are. That is the reason the money is not moving. There are $457 Trillion out there some where. $750 billion is not a pimple on a big hogs butt compared to the $457 TTTTrillion That gives you an idea of how far this has to go.