Yellow | Is there a copy of the bid results online anywhere?


TB Lurker
It would be great to know where everyone ended up after all this has finally finished. I didn't even find out officially my seniority position at my new location.
It would be great to know where everyone ended up after all this has finally finished. I didn't even find out officially my seniority position at my new location.

Nope, but there should be in the world of 2008. Then again, that would be too organized and professional. You only find that in fantasy football... :shades:
write it out in long-hand

It would be great to know where everyone ended up after all this has finally finished. I didn't even find out officially my seniority position at my new location.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I could have written the results out in longhand (with seniority date and where they were going).

I mean how hard would it have been to have someone just to do that.

Like Stan said that in 2008 you can do just about anything in a short amount of time.

At least we have found out one thing about the phone bidding process -- you can do it, but you can't post it
Phone Bid

I would think that the results of the phone bid should be posted in the terminals by now.
At least in terms of who is transferring into your terminal.
If not, ask your Steward to post it.
The Hall knows who they are.

I am sure you want to know the seniority dates of those transferring in.
no one claims to know

tm says that company does not know and steward says that the union does not know.

they say that right now it is tied up in negotiation with the definition of "region".

Webster used to list that word in his dictionary, but no one probably thought about looking there.:duh: