TForce | Just What Can The "teamsters" Promise Us?

saddletramp said:
big difference between Ups and Fedex is UPS is debt free and Fedex is buried in it..........

Whos stock would you rather own???
There was a article I believe by Bloomberg stating that if FDX had a hiccup of any major proportions, it would quickly eat up any cash they had. UPS on the other hand, would not have to worry because they have plenty of cash and own just about everything.
bamaboy said:
Have you seen the UPS stock?? and they are going to give us the sun and the moon? and throw the stars in just because?
Its much deeper than any of us know. We are the bargaining chip for the 2008 parcel contract and then some. Ups and the Teamsters both have an agenda. So sit back and enjoy the ride!