Reddaway | Management says we made a little Money



:clap: This week somebody with a title showed up at my terminal. :shift: I went to the meeting, which I rarely do. Usually, I'm not welcome. :nono: We were told that the company made a little money recently. The crowd was quiet. Maybe the management expected cheers, I'm not sure. As we left the meeting, the words "Bull-S" were heard from the crowd. :rant: What are they up to, others asked? :stir: I think most drivers are starting to think as many of us more vocal types have for a long time. (We have always made money) The Reddaway machine is not broken. It has been a 3 year lie, even in a tough economy, even with a lower bill count, we have always made money. It has just been diverted by "ERON" style accounting to the parent company.
When you cut your payroll by 19.5%.You can make the profit books look good.When you put off can make the profit books look good. When you cut bennies to a whole class of (former full time) now :nono: part time employees,you can make the profit books look good. I bet they have more tricks that we haven't seen yet.but their on the way...Hold on tight to your hat... :nono: :nono: