Yellow | Meet & turn question

Meet and turns

Can anyone tell me if meet and turns are considered road driver bids or utility driver bids?


They should be road bids.
If you have a specific one in mind feel free to pm me and I can send you the Velocity COO or I can check for you.
If the Meets were specified in the COO hearing as being part of the velocity change...then they are ROAD bids....KK
yes, for sure

Diden't UT work have to be NEW BUSINESSSSSS?
The UE is supposed to enhance new business, not enhance the customers we already have...So the next question I can think of is,,,If the UE is not drumming up new business,,,and is taking my work,,,are we getting new business or is someone drumming it up or not??? Lets' ask corpoffice..."corp"... what do you opine here? Thanks in advance.