Miracles of modern medicine!

Are you starting to think I am old enough that I might need one of these soon?

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It isn't just on here, we sit in the same room and screw with each other on Facebook and with texts as well

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For the life of me I don't know. LOL I do practice my oral skills however, I use voice to text for a lot of my posts.

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Could you imagine going through life without a heartbeat ever again?

this is why i do not sign up to be an organ donor...

considering the fact i had a bike wreck back in 2009, had i done signed a donor card....

i might today be..heartless, lung-less, kidney-less, eye-less, and penny-less.....

after all...that IS the standard "joke" in any hospital across this country..

"we have a motorcycle rider coming in....???"

"oh doctor.....we HAVE an organ donor...!!!"
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this is why i do not sign up to be an organ donor...

Who would want one of your grumpy organs anyway?

Many years ago I got burned pretty bad on my right arm, side and face. The worst burns were on my arm, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns from my fingers to my shoulder. After I was healed enough the doctor sent me to a skin specialist to discuss restoration to the worst areas on my arm. The guy said they could graft some skin from my butt to repair the worst areas on my arm, but there were no guarantees.

He also said the area where they would remove the skin from my butt would have a scar.

I told him no thanks, seeing as how there was a risk of the graft failing, why would I want to risk he failure only to create a new scar on my best side?
I have always been signed as an organ donor.....if I can help another human being live, or have a better quality of life through one of my organs....I will do so....Through death comes life ....and a part of me will escape death for yet a while longer and help another to live...and to love.....for yet a while longer
I'm a donor so a part of me can hang around and **** a bunch more people off.
I don't really care what happens to my organs after I'm gone, I just don't want my voter registration to change to democrat.

Married to the luckiest woman alive!