Yellow | New Coo Numbers


TB Lurker

Question how many terminal(s) have been raised to full pay rates so far.In Columbus ,Oh heard local 413 said no for Holland so far.

Not sure if YRC in Columbus, will or will no?
Have you ever known a Teamster to be jealous/envious/resentful of another Teamster? Nah, never happens, we're all brothers right? :hilarious:
Que. What are you talking about. Lift your head get some air. They have the right to give us all a raise. Cost of living. But we have to give it to certain areàs. Wake up!
Que. What are you talking about. Lift your head get some air. They have the right to give us all a raise. Cost of living. But we have to give it to certain areàs. Wake up!
Again- Why would Any Teamsters not approve a Teamster being paid a decent rate??????
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