New Penn | New Penn Merger (UNVERIFIED)


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You people take this with a grain of salt, I see no company letterhead or anything on this document so this may or may not be a fake, You be the judge



I seriously doubt anyone would or could go to the extreme bother of drawing up such a thing simply as a hoax. What does it say about end tailing or dovetailing the workers ?
It say's the company proposes they be entailed,but it will be determined by the change committee.

I heard that this was all set to fly,IF and that is IF the NP vote is NO.
Jeff i do believe that it is real,our BA told us at the meeting that this was in the ready if the vote by NP is NO.
Although he had a little spin on it saying that only those terminal's that voted no would close.

I guess he did not really know the specific's on it.He had not seen anything yet.

Like i said before our BA at 677 is a true baseball bat kind of brother.
Changes of Operation at Roadway never had any letter head. There was always a cover page and other than that Roadway was described just as in this fax. And YRC has followed that format also. I would think there are other attached exhibits such as "Overall Driver Impact".
I cannot believe the strong arm tactics that we are witnessing. Unbelievable! They are basically saying that New Penn, you either vote yes, or you will be END Tailed into the YRC operations. It's not going to matter anyway folks, we're toast.
By reading this it looks like it is a done deal anyway.By the way it starts out,it's the bad economy that is causing this proposed shut down and also the over lap of the two companies.It also look like Reddaway is in the same boat.I beat Holland won't be left out of the big screwing that is coming from yrcw.It's a shame of all the bull ::shit:: stress bill zollars has put on all of the employees over the past 5+ years.
It sure looks like and uses the same verbage that all of the other change of ops. papers I've seen. I just think its funny that YRC will cut off its nose to spite its face and close a good company down. So its only duplicate terminals if it is a no vote by NP and not duplication if it is yes vote. What a bunch of clowns YRC is . VOTE NO New Penn Teamsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With yrc anything is possible...does really it makes sense for yrc to close new penn. You would think they would try to sell them first, but the bottom line is yrc will post another loss and committed to the banks to save them millions of dollars....the sad thing is new penn the powerhouse of the n-east has been killed by yrc
this is not a fake..this is about page three of the proposed change. i've seen it with my own eyes...rainman220 posted the first page of this change in another thread.
The first page of this Adresses it to James Hoffa, Tyson Johnson and David Smith All of the IBT. It then cc's this letter to Gordon Sweenie of the IBT And Ernie Soehl of the Eastern Region, One of these teamster represenitives should man up and verify weather or not it is real. You would think they owe us that much.
The first page of this Adresses it to James Hoffa, Tyson Johnson and David Smith All of the IBT. It then cc's this letter to Gordon Sweenie of the IBT And Ernie Soehl of the Eastern Region, One of these teamster represenitives should man up and verify weather or not it is real. You would think they owe us that much.

Have you called them at their Locals?....KK
Have you called them at their Locals?....KK
KK give me a little credit, You think I would leave myself open to be called out by one of you guys if I didn't? :tongue:I tried my local yesterday but it was late, I am going to attempt it again after 10:00. And please dont misunderstand my post. I know if you had this thing in your hands and it was authentic you would stand up and say this is for real.
This is real, talked with my B.A. up here at great lenght the other day about it. Anyone of us that has been through a change knows what they look like and this is the real deal. We should all be perfectly honest here, if they took the time to study this then they will do it. They have no problem cutting off a body part to save the body. My personal opinion is they will do it no matter what the vote is. We are going to get screwed royally in all this unless the union makes a stand to respect our seniority. The problem is knowing how things work they will sacrifice the 1200 to 1400 jobs at New Penn to save YRC.
This is real, talked with my B.A. up here at great lenght the other day about it. Anyone of us that has been through a change knows what they look like and this is the real deal. We should all be perfectly honest here, if they took the time to study this then they will do it. They have no problem cutting off a body part to save the body. My personal opinion is they will do it no matter what the vote is. We are going to get screwed royally in all this unless the union makes a stand to respect our seniority. The problem is knowing how things work they will sacrifice the 1200 to 1400 jobs at New Penn to save YRC.

nothing will save yrc. merging newpenn will result in more loss of freight.
nothing will save yrc. merging newpenn will result in more loss of freight.
I agree closing New Penn only makes YRC's competitors stronger cause thats where the New Penn freight will go. But.. unfortunatley our opinions do not matter to the number crunchers who don't know freight.
Is it possible that these are the rest of the pages from original proposed COO if Newpenn turned the contract down?? Cannot find anywhere else on the Internet.
This is real, talked with my B.A. up here at great lenght the other day about it. Anyone of us that has been through a change knows what they look like and this is the real deal. We should all be perfectly honest here, if they took the time to study this then they will do it. They have no problem cutting off a body part to save the body. My personal opinion is they will do it no matter what the vote is. We are going to get screwed royally in all this unless the union makes a stand to respect our seniority. The problem is knowing how things work they will sacrifice the 1200 to 1400 jobs at New Penn to save YRC.

If the New Penn vote is no they would be forced to do what they would rather not do.

They would never change anything about New Penn unless they absolutely had to.

They say end-tail and they cite language in NMFA to allow them to do this so as to not call it a merge but if they keep the New Penn brand and I'm almost positive they want to keep it...then by keeping some New Penn terminals open they would have to dove-tail but just in the New Penn terminals they keep open
