FedEx Freight | No more milage pay for CA?

Actually, History Channel quoted him as saying that. Guess you know better. Perhaps you knew him personally?

"In the course of history periods of capitalism and socialism alternate with one another; capitalism is the unnatural, socialism the natural economic system"

Heinrich Himmler
no more piece rate....must be all the lazy tomato pickers standin around and then bitchin that everyone that was working got more know the jobs Americans don't wanna opinion. You slow down to increase your hourly pay now dictated by the "state government "now you'll be asked " why did you do it in 5 hours before this now you've maxed out your hours?" ......Congratulations California for being the testing grounds for the new " Republic of Amerika ".....wake up people. Don't think it can't or won't happen to you...
Most drivers are not compensated for all the work they do. FedEx Freight is an exception. They're doing this in California to make the roads safer and I believe they'll see immediate results. I've done both city and road and I'm a much more relaxed driver when being paid by the hour. In my opinion CA. is doing the right thing. If FedEx bumps a road driver's driving rate up to $35 CA drivers will make out fine. How they'll calm down CA city drivers over this is a whole other problem. It will interesting to see how the unionized companies deal with this.
Most drivers are not compensated for all the work they do. FedEx Freight is an exception. They're doing this in California to make the roads safer and I believe they'll see immediate results. I've done both city and road and I'm a much more relaxed driver when being paid by the hour. In my opinion CA. is doing the right thing. If FedEx bumps a road driver's driving rate up to $35 CA drivers will make out fine. How they'll calm down CA city drivers over this is a whole other problem. It will interesting to see how the unionized companies deal with this.
UPS Freight will probably get a extension till the end of the contract...
Correct. Effective 12-27-15 because the people's Republic of California is trying to reduce accidents caused by speeding trucks.
I've seen where it states pay for breaks wait time etc... But nothing on no mileage pay in CA??? I think someone has it a little confused. It could be be but I've haven't seen or read anything like that...