Holland | Not again! More Layoffs!!!


TB Lurker
This really stinks 5 more laid off in DE on 10/17.Seriously does anybody know any companies hiring in Michigan?Lost track of how many laid off now in DE.I think in the 40-50 man range,including city and road and me. We're losing business left and right due to manpower shortage.Loads not being broken,deliveries and pick-ups missed,etc.I've heard this is going on throughout the system.Thanks YRC for all you've done for us.God help us! I know I'm praying for this all to turn around,hope everyone is.Good luck to all.:holysheep:
We lost 2 + 1= 3 last night at LO. Total of 6 road and 14 city now. 2 guys were called back this past week to be laid off again on Friday night. 1 different guy was laid off that hadn't been on layoff already this year. Thats where the 2 + 1 = 3 came from.
Jo now has two city. One of them was smart enough to not return from the last one. He was laid off again before he returned from the last one figuring it would happen again. Way to go YRC. I agree that we aren't giving the service we should because of manpower. When will they get it. Try the Holand way and give up the Yellow way.
ATL has had 68 out of 101 road drivers laid off for 1 whole year now!
Many from the city and half the clericals are gone.....KK
that the way it is to them it's call cost inline. keep that cost inline don't worry service samething happen at cf and and some of yellow people wonder why the cf people working at yellow feel like they in the same old boat with no paddles it's just bad. holland was great company they sure help me out