Yellow | Operating Ratios

Operating ratio: Nine Months 2008 2007
YRC National Transportation 97.4% 95.7%
YRC Regional Transportation 102.2% 99.4%
YRC Logistics 98.4% 99.0%
YRC Truckload 111.5% 102.6%
Consolidated 98.8% 97.0%

Is this good or bad?
Operating ratio: Nine Months 2008 2007
YRC National Transportation 97.4% 95.7%
YRC Regional Transportation 102.2% 99.4%
YRC Logistics 98.4% 99.0%
YRC Truckload 111.5% 102.6%
Consolidated 98.8% 97.0%

Is this good or bad?

find another business that operates well on 2 cents on the dollar profit. Exxon gets hammered for 8 cents on the dollar, 4 times the YRC margin.
Compared to the other freight LTL? is what I'm asking not Exxon/Mobil

This is not great, but both Yellow and Roadway were operating at these levels for several years in the late eighties and early nineties. They are not losing money. CF was operating over 100 for a few years and stayed afloat, but they were able to access capital. Capital is frozen right now. Before the economy started to head downhill in 2007, Yellow and Roadway were operating in the 92 to 95 range. That was pretty good. Our non-union competition was two to three points better, but their overhead was much lower. They should have been doing much better than that, which says something about their management.