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If you would be ashamed for your daughter or grandaughter to see it here, it cant be on Truckingboards.
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If you would be ashamed for your daughter or grandaughter to see it here, it cant be on Truckingboards.
I'm thinking this was the period when his record company sued him for putting out stuff that didn't sell after they fronted him tons of dough?
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I was trying to put up a new avatar picture,
get rid of that slutty looking thing you know for the new spirit of things we have going.
I tried Church Lady but I always get "Invalid file" or Temporary screw up" or something back.

even Billy Graham wouldn't work can you imagine
My dog was never offended by anything I did.


She just gave me unconditional love.


And she was smart. Very smart.


And a farmer too.


Great Dog and Tractor
I had a 8N it was also a 1948 but was actually made about july of 47.( yours is in real nice shape)
I had fun with it trying to make a few bucks bush hogging.
I would have like to have one of the later 55ish Jubilee's I think they had 35 HP or so and would allow another foot diameter on the bush hog

Great Dog and Tractor
I had a 8N it was also a 1948 but was actually made about july of 47.( yours is in real nice shape)
I had fun with it trying to make a few bucks bush hogging.
I would have like to have one of the later 55ish Jubilee's I think they had 35 HP or so and would allow another foot diameter on the bush hog

Yours looks pretty good too.

I actually had a chance to pick up a diesel Ferguson about the same vintage as the Jubilee. It had live PTO and full hydraulics, and a bucket (as well as a front axle that could handle the extra load from using a bucket).

But the guy wanted too much for it and would not dicker.

So he still has it.

And I still have the N.

And Zoe died.
Sorry to hear about ZOE dogs have such short lives it's very painful to be attached to them.
When my dog you see was a pup we went to the pound to find a companion for her we brought home a middle aged Beagle.
3 weeks ago we had to put him down, since then the basset's been in a funk a depression.
Her brother is at my house.

Do you both live in New Mexico?
Sometimes I look on EBAY land auctions, surprising that New Mexico does not have too much listed and when it is it's lots or just small acreage. When you drive though you see that a mile square 640 acres is small.
Maybe because most land is Government owned? I don't know
The I look at Colorado and seen that sometime ago the state made a law that if you did not already have your land subdivided prior to the law taking effect then it had to be something like 38 acres in order to get a water well drilling permit.
But you have to get lucky to find out some of this stuff people on there will sell you anything, a lot you can't do a thing with.
Sorry to hear about ZOE dogs have such short lives it's very painful to be attached to them.
When my dog you see was a pup we went to the pound to find a companion for her we brought home a middle aged Beagle.
3 weeks ago we had to put him down, since then the basset's been in a funk a depression.

Zoe came into my life two weeks after she was born. Her mother was run over by a car, and my former father in law was going to put the litter in a burlap sack and drown them.

We (my now ex-wife) took the pups and nursed them with goats milk. When Zoe's eyes opened it was when I was nursing her, and she imprinted on me as "mother".

In the nearly 15 years she was alive we never spent a day apart. She never socialized well with other dogs, as she was always only around humans as a pup. Oh and a cat. She always tried to be friendly with cats, but they would not be cool with her.

She took ill a few weeks before her 15th birthday, and died a week or so before it.

That was about 7 years ago.

I still miss her.