R&L | Pre Employment Background Check

Cave Man

TB Lurker
I had an interview on Monday April the 2nd the TM was sending my stuff for the background check I was wondering how long it takes to do the background check as of Thursday he still has not heard anything back yet
I had an interview on Monday April the 2nd the TM was sending my stuff for the background check I was wondering how long it takes to do the background check as of Thursday he still has not heard anything back yet

With in a couple of days you should have an answer. A drug test and physical will follow then an offer for you to come to work.
I have seen our t/m hire people before any check, then fire them later! I guess it all depends on how smart the t/m is. My t/m doesn't have a clue, but he sure can cook books to make himself look good!
According to FMCSA rules the employer has 30 days to perform the background checks . Companies CAN hire you if they choose ( which is taking a risk) then FIRE you if something negative shows up in the process or IF you failed to mention those fender benders you may have had . And it is possible that a company wrongfully charged a driver with an accident that he did not have anything to do with .At our company , drivers are shown what past employers have submitted and they are allowed to respond to it .
Background checks are checked on all drivers and dockworkers within3 months. We had a driver who had worked for 3 months and lied about his background and we had to let him go in his 4th month because of lying on his application. Good driver but not truthful, assualt charge. If you have a chargeable ticket within the last 3 years beware...