New Penn | so long


TB Veteran
cliff fatzinger, road driver out of the reading pa terminal, passed away thursday afternoon from a heart attack while on a layover in porltand me. i had breakfast with cliff that morning and he was in good spirits has usual and mentioned nothing of feeling ill. cliff was always cheerful and never had a bad word to say. he will be missed. my sympathies go out to his family. may he rest in peace...
Sorry to hear that. Holland had almost the same thing happen this week. A driver out of Louisville, KY. had a heart attack and passed away and was found at a fuel stop.
Cliff always smiled and laughed,never said a bad word too or about anyone or anything.He loved motorcycles and could talk all day about them- I can't believe it ! Bye Bro .
My thoughts and prayers go out to Brother Cliff's Family and loved ones! Peace be with you all...!