Holland | Something to Consider

Good Idea...But

:smilie_132: What a good idea but the government schmucks will take some $$$$ to not take care of this p[roblem.
:smilie_132: What a good idea but the government schmucks will take some $$$$ to not take care of this p[roblem.

I just tripped over this on the TV last night.

I'm sure that this guy Pickens has an interest in making money with this but if it works lets do it.

That said, we will need to get into our Congressmen / Representatives ears with petitions or something so they get the message.

And that they souldn't wait.
It sounds good in theory.. I only see a problem with getting NG powered cars on the road. I can see gov't fleets doing it, but would there be a substantial number of people willing to buy NG cars for "grocery getters"?

I do have a lot of respect for Pickens for pulling millions of dollars out of his pocket and investing in a plan like this.