Averitt | Texas Speed Limit, Texting and Handgun laws eff. 09/01/11

ltl lifer

Sr. Citizen & Gold Member
Effective 09/01/2011, the split speed limit on the open highways in Texas is eliminated (once the signage is changed). Of course not all roads will have that higher speed limit and before the limit is changed there will need to be studies done. Texas' new top speed limit becomes 85 mph, and truckers will no longer have a lower nighttime speed limit. The 85 mph speed limit will be applied only to Texas roads deemed suitable by state officials.
New Texas traffic laws start September 1

With that being said, won't it be splendid to be sitting in your red racer, in the slow lane, while the rest of the motoring public blows your doors off at 90-95 mph. Keep your butt out of the hammer lane for sure.

As for hands free and texting
Texas cell phone rules for drivers - text messaging law | Hands Free Info

As for handgun laws
Weapons Allowed?: Texas SB 321 And Guns On Company Property : Hunton Employment & Labor Law Perspectives The following will have to be changed in the mighty handbook...
Some of the more serious offenses, which could result in immediate discharge, include but are not limited to:
a) Use or possession of firearms or other weapons on Averitt property
That's a good deal, I'd read that Tn is trying to do the same thing concerning the firearms, one of these days most people will realize it's not the ones who are ccw holders/law abiding citizens that are the issue, but yet we are the only ones that tend to follow the rules.
I would be nice to be able to carry a handgun for protection in the RED TRUCK. We do get sent to areas that are not very nice, I do not want to be a Reginald Denny.
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I would be nice to be able to carry a handgun for protection in the RED TRUCK. We do get sent to areas that are not very nice, I do not want to be a Reginald Denny.

Don't worry jeepman..Nobody would even considering attacking anyone wearing our ridiculous uniforms and driving slow red trucks.