Holland | Thank you Vets! Happy 4TH!


TB Lurker
Thank you to all Veterans, past, present and future for your service to this fine country!

Please take a moment of your time to pray for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, for those who have been wounded and for those currently in harms way. Please also pray for the familes of all of them.

Let us count our blessings no matter how small they seem to us.

In Christ,

:USA: God Bless America! :USA:
I certainly do appreciate our vets, but I'm a little confused what that has to do with the 4th of July. I thought the 4th of July celebrated our independance from England via the Decloration of Independance and is basically considered America's "birthday". Not trying to argue, but wondering if I remember my history correctly.
The American Revolutionary War ,1775-1783, began as a British Civil War between the Kingdom of GB and the 13 british ruled colonies in America. It was fought by brave men, women and children to seperate from British rule. In 1775, Revolutionaries seized control of each of the thirteen colonial governments, set up the Second Continental Congress, and formed a Continental Army which ultimately secured our independance which was declared on paper 7-4-1776.
Click any links you see here underlined to learn more about history.

We are all indebted to our Armed forces, past present and future for their dedication and sacrifice and on a day such as the 4th of July, honor is due them. They fought for our :USA:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson

ANY holiday we celebrate with family friends and food is possible because of our Armed Forces. Honor them, Thank them and Pray for them.
If you can afford it, donate to charitable funds that help support the familes of soldiers while they are deployed.

Your history is right. However, there would be no celebrating a piece of paper if it were not for the sacrifice of so many. I believe that Loon recognizes that without our Veterans the 4th would just be another day on the calender and assuredly we would not have the freedom to be celebrating the Declaration of Independence and this Great Nation 232 years later.
Thank you to all of our Veterans.

I certainly do appreciate our vets, but I'm a little confused what that has to do with the 4th of July. I thought the 4th of July celebrated our Independance from England via the Decloration of Independance and is basically considered America's "birthday". Not trying to argue, but wondering if I remember my history correctly.
Your history is right. However, there would be no celebrating a piece of paper if it were not for the sacrifice of so many. I believe that Loon recognizes that without our Veterans the 4th would just be another day on the calender and assuredly we would not have the freedom to be celebrating the Declaration of Independence and this Great Nation 232 years later.
Thank you to all of our Veterans.