FedEx Freight | The Pro-Union Thread (Anti-Union People Stay Out)

Wait a minute! What do you mean Stockton won? What idiots for voting YES! Why didn't you guys believe our boss from EPH when he told you about the fictional war between yes and no voters? And surely I will have to post my month's worth of paychecks online for all to see because clearly I was overpaid since they seem to have forgotten to take union dues out of my paycheck WITHOUT a contract like our boss MG said they were doing....oh wait, sorry fellas, that was all lies to sway the vote by fedex...

Thank you Stockton for standing strong, seeing through this snake corporation's lies and deceit, and believing in yourselves and the power of representation. Hang in there, fedex will kick, scream, ****, and moan all the way. Don't get discouraged. Here in EPH they are delaying and delaying our certification. Trying to get to the one year mark so they can say the union did nothing for you and try for a decertification election. See through the BS folks, this corporation is full of it. You, like us are part of something now, a brotherhood. Welcome!
Just a question, small rumors out here about California going union. I'm not against drivers doing what is best for them. Without info ya all know how the bs can go up and down
when exactly is the vote in Chicago.....I hear it's the 14th of April....can anyone verify this
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FedEx filed it's usual challenge that the dockworkers were not included. I expect to see a date soon so figure early May. They did have a sweet all you can eat buffet last week for 24 hours. Shrimp, chicken, fish, salad bar and all the fixins.
hmmmm then whats happening on April 14th....@ our terminal we heard they were voting then....guess we'll wait....anticipation driving everyone nuts...LOL
hmmmm then whats happening on April 14th....@ our terminal we heard they were voting then....guess we'll wait....anticipation driving everyone nuts...LOL

April 14th is when the new law takes effect. Which means anybody who petitions will only have 14 days after they petition till they vote. These companies won't be able to drag it out and beat their employees up for months or longer before they vote.
Ok, ok we've got that. We've got your totally against the union, since this IS the pro-union area it's pretty obvious you being in this area is like putting lace on a bowling ball. For the umpteenth time, WE GOT IT, you absolute undeniably think WE SHOULD NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE UNION. Sorry, it's not going away. We can split hairs all day but the bottom line IS on the 14th we SHALL SEE what happens and what RULE (make you feel better?) goes into effect and what doesn't. And what people want and what they don't want will be settled because fortunately, despite all the forced meetings, cook outs galor, the people have a God given right to decide for themselves what's best for them and their families. If the company had its way, and Lord it's not like they haven't tried through delay after delay, and appeal after appeal on the exact same issues, the people wouldn't even get that chance. That says enough in and of itself. Have a nice day John Deere.
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April 14th is when the new law takes effect. Which means anybody who petitions will only have 14 days after they petition till they vote. These companies won't be able to drag it out and beat their employees up for months or longer before they vote.
Copy that. Thanks for the clarification...only jump on here occasionally anymore...Thanks