Yellow | The SHAKY TRAIN "leaves" 120


All 120 refugees, SHAKY RAY got fired,let go what ever you want to to call it today. No one will miss him and no one cares.I wonder how he liked the CO K AND BALL SANDWICH our (⊙▃⊙) leader served him today. I guess the Teamster that went to the DARK SIDE finally got what he deserved. We are hearing that Yellow will be getting rid of all Teamsters that went over to the DARKSIDE. Run like the Rats you are.

All you SCRANTON guys that came up and got a good 120 fu king, they let the SEA HAG OF CITY DISPATCH go on Friday. Seems she culd not go more then 3 hours with out a fifth of HOUCH. (for you southern boys that be booze/ moonshine/ white lighting.