ABF | The Theory of Mutual Assured Destruction, a.k.a. M.A.D.


TB Lurker
Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This principle deters aggressive action by its foe with the complete understanding such actions will result in the utter and complete destruction of both sides therefore limiting the tendency of the other foe trying a first strike. This principle maintained the peace for almost fifty years during the cold war era.

The same principle applies to our current dilemma.

ABF perspective: signs a five year contract in 2008 that includes increases in wages, benefits and pension contributions. The world changes with the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression and its largest competitor gets a major wage and pension concession that allows YRC to become the low price leader in the freight industry. ABF tries for a 15% wage concession in the middle of the contract and is turned down. The company lost $175 million since the start of said financial crisis and is not a profitable entity.

Teamster perspective: I give this company my most important commodity, my time. 50 to 60 hours weekly whereby sacrificing most of my family life. My health suffers due to the long and extreme hours I work. And when its slow, I don't work and therefore my family suffers without said benefits. I am well paid, but the company essentially owns me and my time at their beck and call. I am not interested in giving back money, benefits or work rules that will only allow you to work me a more.

Does anyone have a solution other than hitting the red button?
My guess is to quit and break your back at another carrier. Or hit the red button and break your back at another carrier. Not many options for you guys, either way this line of work is the same no matter what color the truck is. At least you can keep your seniority if you
Don't hit the red button