This one's for ABFer


TB Veteran
So Saturday we did some work down at the beer distributorship. Any how there's this place in Lodi,Ohio that makes some real good beef jerky, best I have ever had and I'm not big on beef jerky, but this stuff was really good, they had all kinds of flavors and it was great. Any how the woman working there gave us some free beef jerky and it was really good. Mr. ABFer likes to read about all the free food we get, so I figured I would share. Saturday was free beef jerky from the beef jerky stand, oh and the local AMVETS haul gave us a can of pop. In fact the first thing the man asked was "What kind of pop would you like to drink?"

The AMVETS haul in Mentor, Ohio usually they let you make your own sandwich the driver who has that route one day we walked in there and he was like here let's go in the fridge and he was like oh look some ham, some bread some cheese some Miracle Whip some pop some chips. Umm sandwiches:Omg_I_gets_present_ chips and pop yummm.

Luckily when you throw around beer cases and kegs all day you can eat sandwhiches chips and pop. If you drive an OTR truck like I almost did and might do one day, or charter bus, get ready to drink water and eat cold vegetables or beans from a can or something. I think they have an isle at the truck stop that sells like canned corn and beans in a can.