TForce | Tis the season for videos showing a UPS parcel driver going ballistic.

It must have been a really slow news night in Cleveland to use this as it's breaking news story. The POS construction worker must be proud of himself for releasing his video of that UPS driver having a bad day. I'm not excusing his frustration but we've all had bad days. UPS workers are suppose to work with a sense of urgency. I wonder what kind of production write up he would have gotten if he had treated that cluster f*** of a load with kid gloves?
It must have been a really slow news night in Cleveland to use this as it's breaking news story. The POS construction worker must be proud of himself for releasing his video of that UPS driver having a bad day. I'm not excusing his frustration but we've all had bad days. UPS workers are suppose to work with a sense of urgency. I wonder what kind of production write up he would have gotten if he had treated that cluster f*** of a load with kid gloves?
Must have been really slow, a Cleveland station showing footage from Hawaii?
From the looks of that load,I can see this drivers frustration.
However it was his bad luck that everyone has cell phones with cameras.

He sure took on the Acronym of United Package Smasher....chucker.
Maybe he was looking for his dropped Diad? lol

I'd like to see an update, Does this driver keeps his job or gets terminated since it went viral.

Just yesterday I saw a helper in a UPS small pack truck while I was making a pickup at a dock.
OMG....lots of cigarette smoke was coming out of the truck. I asked him how he was doing and if he found it overwhelming.
Turns out the jerk off was mute and did not want to talk, other than have a poop eating grin on his face. I told him to "F" off.
I asked another parcel driver about this creepy behavior and they said they were told not to talk too much and just help.
Heres another video making an issue of tossing parcels.
However you can clearly see the receiver excepting the shipment from the driver.
I'd think if damage was such an issue the receiver may have brought it up when the first box flew out of the van.
I guess people just love getting down on UPS,maybe because they are such a successful company.

Must have been really slow, a Cleveland station showing footage from Hawaii?
News people are nothing but drama queens!! They live for the big one! I really think this one was blown way out of proportion, if I would have opened that back door and that ::shit:: would have started falling all over the place, they would have really had a news story..........
Not a UPS guy but my former employer also delivered to Coach. Pulled a pup and every time I opened the roll up door box's would would cascade out like a waterfall. I feel his frustration and I'm hoping he knew what was in the boxes. Kicking a Coach box and a Tiffany box could be expensive.