Yellow | Transfers being offered to HBG from LCP


Stan Smith

Larry K. from Line haul has been calling drivers from LCP to transfer to HBG as road and combo drivers this past week. Furthermore, he explained to me that they would like offer this first to people who already know the job instead of hiring new people off the street. Lastly, if you do take the move you will go to the bottom of the seniority list there, but keep all of your vacations and etc. (As explained to me)

In closing, if you have not heard anything by now you may want to give a call in there if you would like to go to HBG for a job. FYI
Is this the part where they explain to unemployment how they moved the work 50 miles and laid off all those people that are now collecting from the state?
I know that I turned them down when they called me, I will stay where I am, Laid off with my 5 years call back right to LCP..... Maybe I can move up in seniority just by staying.. But in all honesty I like where I am working now, no weekends,no call board, and I'm even working every day.
if they need drivers in hsb then they should a had more positions open for the phone bid last week.

I'm sure its all not that simple.... :nutkick:
this is what I meant............

this is exactly what I meant on the "did hbg fill all positions" page. the company and anyone who works at lcp knew the amount of corridor freight going to hbg did not add up to the amount of teamsters needed. this was my arguement on the other page. 60 bid men plus extra board at lcp to handle this freight tues thru fri. hbg has forty six local cartage with no jockey bids. the company knew damn well what they were doing to the teamsters. to reduce the # of teamsters going to hbg and reduce the # at lcp. shame on all who thought any different. now larry k is asking people to transfer? this is where you ay loose your unemployment if you do not tae the transfer. they have work, but you refuse it. i wish I could say we can fight this, but brothers, i believe it has come to an end. they got are butts for FIVE years so buckle up.