Truckers Road Rage

The nitwit doing the recording was WRONG, TWICE.

Sending such recording to the supposed "offending driver" company only will verify the recording driver was SELFISH AND CARELESS and if a accident, such driver would have been completely AT FAULT.
Such driver needs a ANGER MANAGEMENT course and some time "OFF THE ROAD".

I have found things are EASIER when I simply back off ESPECIALLY on such DEATH ROADS of one being Route 58.
There is nothing good about engaging such a driver of either carelessness, just BACK OFF, SLOW DOWN, continue.

Hope something here helps someone.

I Hope Safe and Pleasant Journeys To Thee and Thy Loved Ones!

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Truck driving is all about give and take. Both were wrong. The dummy with the dash cam is far from innocent. He saw that right line was ending after the light and he still rolled up to the side of the SEC driver, putting himself in a bad situation.

This is just northwest of Barstow California. I drive this route all the time. What's funny is just 1000ft or so past that light, the highway goes back to a 2 lane devided hyw untill it merges with I-40 east.

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